Al-Sudani stresses the importance of integration in work between the governorate and its council

Prime Minister, Mohammed Shiaa al-Sudani stressed the importance of integration in work between the governorate and its council, and the necessity of harmony in making decisions and legislation without any intersection that may cause delays in executive work and disrupt the completion of projects.

The media office of al-Sudani said in a statement, “Prime Minister Mohammed Shiaa al-Sudani received today, Saturday, the Governor of Diwaniyah, Abbas Shuail al-Zamili, and the Chairman of the Provincial Council, Mohammed Shakheer al-Ghanmi.

During the meeting, the Prime Minister was briefed on the progress of implementing vital projects in the governorate, especially infrastructure and service projects, in line with the government’s vision and priorities for providing basic services to citizens.

The statement added, “Al-Sudani followed up on the details of the summer plan for planting the barley crop, and ensuring the provision of water quotas for the various districts and sub-districts of Diwaniyah.

Source: N
ational Iraqi News Agency

The President of the Republic condemns the brutal Zionist aggression on Al-Tabi’in School in Gaza

President of the Republic Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid condemned the brutal Zionist aggression on the Al-Tabi’in School in Gaza.

He stressed in a statement that the blood of the Palestinian people will continue to bleed as long as the hand of the occupying entity remains free from accountability of the international community.

He said that “the Zionist entity, by targeting safe civilians in the Al-Tabi’in School, added another massacre to the series of massacres it committed in Gaza and the rest of the occupied territories after October 7, 2023.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Arab group: No session in Kirkuk

The Arab group in Kirkuk Council confirmed that it was not aware of holding a session of Kirkuk Provincial Council.

It said that no session can be held in the absence of the consensus of the components and the continuation of the Arab position and their adherence to the position of Kirkuk Governor.

For his part, Rakan Saeed Ali Al-Jubouri, the chairman of age of Kirkuk Provincial Council, confirmed that there is no session of Kirkuk Provincial Council.

He said in a statement, in order to clarify the matters being circulated in the media about holding a session of the Provincial Council and based on the powers of the chairman, no invitation has been issued from our office for any session of the council, neither in Kirkuk Governorate nor anywhere else.

In addition, the official spokesman for the Iraqi Turkmen Front, Muhammad Semaan, confirmed that the front rejects holding any session without an agreement of the components of Kirkuk.

He said that any session or agreement without the Unified Iraqi Turkmen F
ront bloc is unacceptable and we will resort to all legal and constitutional means to cancel the outcomes of this session if it is held

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Minister of Interior discusses with Kuwaiti Ambassador issues of common interest

Minister of Interior Abdul Amir Al-Shammari discussed with the Kuwaiti Ambassador to Iraq, Tariq Abdullah Al-Faraj, topics of common interest.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Minister stressed the importance of strengthening the bonds of friendship between the governments of Iraq and Kuwait due to the fraternal relations that bind them.

For his part, the Kuwaiti Ambassador stressed that his country’s government views with respect the role and position of Iraq, expressing his country’s keenness to consolidate bilateral relations.

The two sides discussed a number of topics of common interest, most notably cooperation in combating crime and drugs and border security between the two brotherly countries.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Arab Opinion Authority: Kirkuk government must be consensual and we are committed to the position of governor

Secretary-General of the Arab Opinion Authority in Kirkuk, Nazim Al-Shammari, said that they demanded the formation of a local government in agreement between all parties and not marginalizing any party.

Al-Shammari explained in a statement that Kirkuk “has a special status, and the formation of the local government has an impact on stability and the position of governor is an Arab entitlement.”

He expressed his regret over the attempt of some parties in Kirkuk /not named/ “to impose themselves in forming the local government and ignore the other parties.”

He pointed out that “there are several reasons that stand in the way of forming the government in Kirkuk and the goals of its citizens, the first of which is the political conflict over the position of governor.” Stressing that some political parties “do not want to follow a policy of consensus and balance between the components, as they want some to participate and ignore others and exclude them from participating in the local government

Source: Natio
nal Iraqi News Agency