Interior Minister, Saudi Ambassador discuss regional developments

Caretaker Interior Minister, Bassam Mawlawi, on Monday met with Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon, Walid Bukhari, with whom he discussed the current political and security situation in Lebanon and the region.

The conversation between the pair reportedly focused on recent developments in southern Lebanon and the crucial need for implementing international resolutions.

Minister Mawlawi expressed gratitude for Saudi Arabia’s ongoing support and efforts to assist Lebanon.

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon

On International Youth Day, Al-Hakim calls for caring for youth and confronting social challenges and alien ideas

The head of the National Wisdom Movement, Ammar al-Hakim, called to care for youth and confront social challenges and alien ideas.

He said in a statement on the occasion of International Youth Day: We affirm that youth are a vital pillar in our reality, given their size and population ratios in societies, which requires care and empowerment for them, taking into account the requirements, developments, technology, information technology, and others.

He added that from this standpoint, we call for confronting social challenges and alien ideas that target segments of society, including the youth, and updating the methods of religious discourse and using modern methods in conveying advice and guidance, and removing the specter of extremism and hatred from their lives.

Al-Hakim also urged religious and political activities and global communities to find a common vision in combating the scourge of drugs that is sweeping the region and the world and protecting the youth from it.

In Iraq, al-Hakim renewed his sup
port for the government in implementing its government program in providing services, moving the wheel of reconstruction, providing job opportunities, and empowering and supporting youth.

He concluded by sending greetings to the Iraqi youth, the pillar of the nation, and the rest of their peers in the world on their blessed day.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

PM inaugurates three important projects in the capital, Baghdad

Prime Minister Mohammed Shiaa Al-Sudani inaugurated this morning via a television circuit three important projects in the capital, Baghdad.

The projects, according to a statement by the Prime Minister’s Office, are:

1- Baghdad-Diyala-Kirkuk entrance, after its rehabilitation and maintenance according to standard specifications.

2- Nahrawan water project, southeast of Baghdad, with a production capacity of 4,000 cubic meters per hour.

3- Bridges built on the Army Canal east of Baghdad, which connect Jamila area towards Jihad Street (Bab Al-Muadham), as part of the first package projects to relieve traffic congestion in the capital, Baghdad.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Othman warns of Iraq slipping into the ongoing escalation in the Middle East

Independent Kurdish politician, Mahmoud Othman warned of Iraq slipping into the ongoing escalation in the Middle East.

Othman said in a statement to the National Iraqi News Agency / NINA /: “The participation of the Iraqi armed factions in striking American interests in Iraq, the region and the Zionist areas will have influential consequences on Iraq in all aspects, especially economic and security, calling for not being dragged into the escalation between Iran and the Zionist entity.

Othman praised the steps of the Prime Minister in not allowing the striking of American interests in Iraq, the latest of which was the arrest of a number of those accused of striking Ain al-Assad base, where the international coalition forces are located.

Othman called on the government to control the weapons of the parties and the loose weapons so that Iraq does not have multiple poles and governments, i.e. each party has its own army, and this weakens the government and affects the future of the country.

Source: National
Iraqi News Agency

European leaders urge Iran not to attack Israel

The leaders of Britain, France and Germany called, in a joint statement published by the British government today, Monday, on Iran and its allies to refrain from launching attacks on Israel that would escalate tensions and jeopardize the chances of reaching a ceasefire.

The statement stressed that: “The fighting must stop now”, and all detainees held by Hamas must be released.

The statement stressed that the people of the Gaza Strip need “urgent and unhindered delivery and distribution of aid”.

The leaders of France, Germany and Britain welcomed “the work being done by partners to reach an agreement on a ceasefire and the release of hostages”.

The statement indicated that “the leaders of these three countries are working with all parties to prevent escalation and we will spare no effort to calm tensions and find a way towards stability in Gaza”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Allawi praises the role of Iraqi tribes in preserving the social fabric

The leader of the National Coalition, Dr. Iyad Allawi, praised the great role played by the Iraqi tribes in preserving the social fabric and their adherence to the national legacy in defending Iraq.

A statement from Allawi’s office stated that he received in his office in Baghdad a delegation of sheikhs and dignitaries of Wasit Governorate, expressing his pride in Wasit Governorate and its ancient history, and stressing his intention to visit it soon.

The meeting discussed a number of files and issues related to local conditions.

Dr. Allawi praised the great role played by the Iraqi tribes in preserving the social fabric and their adherence to the national legacy in defending Iraq.

He stressed that the current stage requires unifying efforts and joint work within a national project based on justice, equality and the rule of law, and eliminating the policies of marginalization, exclusion and quotas that have exhausted the country, with the aim of building a strong and prosperous Iraq in which everyone enjo
ys security, peace and stability.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Caretaker Cabinet to convene on Wednesday

The caretaker Cabinet will hold a session at 9:30 am on Wednesday, August 14, 2024, at the Grand Serail. The meeting will focus on the topics listed in the previously distributed agenda.

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon

Al-Maliki: Legislative, executive and judicial institutions are the basis for the process of building a state with a democratic system

The leader of the State of Law Coalition, Nouri al-Maliki, stressed that the legislative, executive and judicial institutions are the basis for the process of building a state with a democratic system.

He said in a televised statement that the issue of the presidency of the Council of Representatives is a crisis that must be highlighted because it interacted and developed as a result of differences in points of view.

He stressed that the stability of the legislative authority and its work according to the partnership constitutes support for the executive and judicial authorities.

He stressed the importance of the stability of the legislative authority with a full presidency and representatives who manage this vital institution.

He pointed out that the Coordination Framework is keen to complete the political process in electing a Speaker of the Council of Representatives.

He explained that the Coordination Framework took the initiative more than once to find a consensus among the Sunni forces.

He pointed
out that the dialogues between the Sunni parties and the Coordination Framework were positive, but an emergency matter prevented resolving the parliament presidency file.

He stressed that the entrenchments of the Sunni forces began to take another direction.

He pointed out that the Shiite framework took many initiatives with other parties to make the process of selecting a suitable candidate for the presidency of parliament a success.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Al-Sudani: The government is interested in opening up cooperation with Italian companies

Prime Minister, Mohammed Shiaa Al-Sudani received today, Monday, the Italian Ambassador to Iraq, Maurizio Griganti, on the occasion of the end of his tenure.

During the meeting, according to a statement from his office, Al-Sudani appreciated Griganti’s efforts during his tenure in Iraq, wishing him success in his upcoming tasks. They also discussed the overall relations between the two countries, and working to strengthen and develop them in various sectors, in a way that serves the common interests of Iraq and Italy.

The Prime Minister stressed that the government is interested in opening up to cooperation with Italian companies, and that it has worked to provide all facilities for the work of specialized companies, pointing to Iraq’s need for the expertise that Italy possesses in all fields.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Kurdistan Democratic Party: Election of Kirkuk Governor and Provincial Council Chairman as illegal

The Spokesman for the Kurdistan Democratic Party, led by Masoud Barzani, described the election of Kirkuk Governor and Provincial Council Chairman as illegal.

The party’s Spokesman, Mahmoud Mohammed, said: Regarding the recent changes and developments related to the formation of the local government in Kirkuk, we had observations after the announcement of the Kirkuk election results that the results do not reflect the true will of the city’s residents, but for the public interest of its people and taking into account the situation of that city and the entire political process, we overlooked that. Since then, many efforts have been made to reach an appropriate result and solution that serves the interests of all parties in Kirkuk, because its situation is exceptional and its solution must also be exceptional and serve the development, stability and well-being of the city’s residents.

He added: In continuation of these efforts, several meetings were held with the Arab and Turkmen parties. In the last meeting
on August 4, 2024 with President Barzani, which was attended by representatives of Arabs and Turkmen, it was emphasized that solutions should be directed towards taking into account the rights of all components of Kirkuk and within the framework of national consensus and consensus. Everyone also agreed not to repeat previous experiences, and the opinion of the party leader Barzani was that to reassure all parties, a neutral Kurdish governor should be appointed who is acceptable to all winning parties. Continuing the dialogues and exchange of views, it was agreed that the position of Kirkuk governor would be a three-way rotation. Each party demanded that the governor be from its component for the first time, and the president insisted that the governor be Kurdish for the first time. President Barzani also asked them, if they rejected the condition that the first governor be a neutral Kurd, they could go and agree with the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, but they all refused to agree with the Patriotic Union to a
ppoint a governor. He continued: After that, several other meetings were held, and although the legal quorum was met to appoint the governor each time, the role of Mr. Al-Sudani’s efforts and mediation was taken into account because the file was in his hands and he made great efforts to bring the parties together and reach an appropriate solution for Kirkuk.

He stressed that what happened on August 10 at the Rashid Hotel in Baghdad to appoint a governor and a local government for Kirkuk without the knowledge of all parties and in the absence of representatives of the Turkmen, some Arabs and the Kurdistan Democratic Party is illegal, problematic and not on the right path. We believe that what was done cannot be an appropriate solution to overcome the problems and issues of the city of Kirkuk. He pointed out that solving and addressing the problems of that city and healing the wounds and suffering of its people cannot be done through outbidding, emotions and political games. The solution is not to act unilater
ally, not to try to marginalize the other parties, and for everyone to participate in the management of Kirkuk with good intentions and in order to serve the people.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency