Fidan confirms that no one will enjoy peace in the region without establishing a Palestinian state

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan stressed that “it is impossible for anyone to enjoy peace in the region without establishing a Palestinian state.”

Fidan said in an interview with the Bosnian magazine “Stav” published today: “The Palestinians are prevented from establishing a real state for themselves. It must not be forgotten that unless a Palestinian state is established, there will be no peace for anyone in that region.”

He added that the tragedy of the Palestinians did not begin with the start of the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip on October 7, “but rather the occupation of Palestinian lands has been ongoing for decades.”

He continued: “Israel does not abandon its habit of stealing Palestinian lands. Israel destroyed Gaza under the pretext of ensuring its security, and the ongoing brutality in Gaza has revealed the impotence of the current world order.”

“All basic human values are being tampered with in the Gaza Strip by Israel, which does not even allow humanitarian aid to reach the residents
of the Strip,” Vidan stressed, noting that “Israel, which targets the entire Gaza Strip, is systematically destroying people not only by bombing but also by leaving them hungry and thirsty.” Vidan said: “We are facing a new Srebrenica in Gaza. .. The West, especially Europe, is on the wrong side again, the perpetrators of the massacre in Gaza must not escape punishment.”

Regarding the position of Western countries, including the United States and the European Union countries, towards Israel, Fidan said: “There is terrible hypocrisy, the West considers the occupation in Ukraine a crime, while it views Israel’s occupation of Palestine as normal and legitimate.”

He added: “Those who encourage the people to resist in Ukraine consider the resistance of the Palestinians a crime and unconditionally support the resistance in Ukraine and the invaders in Palestine.”

Fidan pointed out that Turkey will use all diplomatic means to implement the two-state solution, recognize the Palestinian state and ensure regional pea
ce and security.

Fidan stressed that Israel must understand that it will not achieve anything by targeting the people of Gaza en masse.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Vice Foreign Minister Meets with Jordan’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign

Jeddah, Vice Foreign Minister Eng. Waleed bin Abdulkarim Al-Khuraiji met on Wednesday with Jordan’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Ayman Safadi on the sidelines of the foreign ministers’ meeting of member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

The meeting discussed relations, regional and international affairs, and other issues of mutual concern.

Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs branch in the Makkah Region Mazen Al-Hamli attended the meeting.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Iran expects 4.5 million visitors to enter Iraq

The head of the Iranian Arbaeen Committee, Majid Mir Ahmadi, announced today, Wednesday, that the percentage of individuals registered on the platform for the Arbaeen pilgrimage increased by 15% compared to the same period last year, while indicating that the number of Iranians who will travel to Iraq this year may reach 4.5 million Iranians.

According to what was reported by the state-run IRNA news agency, Ahmadi confirmed that the Arbaeen Committee began its work and necessary follow-ups for Arbaeen this year immediately after the end of the Arbaeen ceremonies last year, and we have held more than 14 meetings so far, noting that two meetings were held in the presence of Mohammad Mokhber, the first deputy president, and one of the meetings was attended by President Pezeshkian.

He added, “The 19 committees affiliated with the Central Committee held many meetings, and several meetings were held with the Arbaeen Committee in Iraq, and we were in constant contact with the Iraqi Ministry of Interior, and the Ir
anian and Iraqi interior ministers visited the borders continuously and took the necessary measures.”

Ahmadi considered that “the set of measures and arrangements that have been made to facilitate the Arbaeen pilgrimage this year are more than previous years, explaining that the Arbaeen ceremonies this year will be held better in both Iran and Iraq compared to previous years.

He pointed out that the Iranian ambassador to Iraq estimated the number of Arbaeen pilgrims this year at tens of millions, noting that more than 1.5 million Iranians have so far registered on the Samah platform for the Arbaeen pilgrimage.

The Iranian Minister of Roads and Urban Development announced the use of sea routes leading to Iraqi ports to transport Arbaeen pilgrims this year.

The head of the Iranian Land Transport Organization expected that the number of Iranian pilgrims to Iraq to participate in the Arbaeen march across the land borders would reach four million and 90 thousand.

Iranian President-elect “Massoud Pezeshkian” e
xpressed his hope that this year, Iranians, along with other pilgrims from different countries and with the help of the Iraqi government, would be able to participate in the glorious Arbaeen ceremonies.

Pezeshkian considered these ceremonies to be a wonderful manifestation of the deep cultural and religious relations between Iran and Iraq, expressing Iran’s permanent appreciation for Iraq’s abundant support the hospitality of the Iraqi people and government to Iranian visitors.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

On behalf of the Foreign Minister, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Participates in the Extraordinary Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation

Jeddah, On behalf of Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Eng. Waleed bin Abdulkarim El-Khereiji participated on Wednesday in the extraordinary meeting of the Executive Committee of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Jeddah.

Eng. Waleed El-Khereiji, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, stressed that the government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques is aware of the seriousness of the escalating events in the Palestinian territories due to the blatant attacks and illegal practices of the Israeli occupation against the brotherly Palestinian people inside and outside the Palestinian territories, ignoring international charters and resolutions. He added that the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, the former Palestinian Prime Minister, during his visit to Tehran last week is a flagrant violation of the sovereignty, territorial integrity, and national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as international law and the Charter of the
United Nations, and constitutes a threat to regional peace and security.

The Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs added in his speech at the meeting that the government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, based on its firm positions towards the Palestinian cause, condemns the attacks carried out by the Israeli occupation forces on civilians and rejects any attack on the sovereignty of states or interference in the internal affairs of any state in accordance with international conventions and the Charter of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

He expressed the Kingdom’s deep concern over the escalation of violations by the Israeli occupation army, which resulted in large numbers of martyrs and wounded among civilians in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, and the shortage of food, medicine, and fuel to the complete depletion of the health sectors under the pressure of the increasing numbers of patients as well as displaced civilians seeking shelter.

Eng. Waleed El-Khereiji renewed the Kingdom’s call on the intern
ational community to take effective action to play its role in holding the Israeli occupation forces fully responsible for these crimes and violations and their negative consequences on the chances of reviving the peace process and in stopping the attacks and violations against the brotherly Palestinian people. He also emphasized that the Kingdom supports all efforts aimed at ending the occupation of the Palestinian territories and reaching a comprehensive solution that enables the Palestinian people to establish their independent Palestinian state in accordance with international legitimacy resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Al-Araji stresses the importance of developing Iraqi-Italian relations and continuing cooperation in the field of security

National Security Adviser Qasim Al-Araji stressed the importance of developing Iraqi-Italian relations and continuing cooperation in the field of security.

The Chencellry said in a statement: “Al-Araji met in his office today, the Italian Ambassador to Baghdad, Maurizio Cricanti, on the occasion of the end of his tenure as his country’s ambassador to Iraq.”

Al-Araji appreciated the efforts of the Italian ambassador during his term, wishing him success in his new duties, stressing the importance of developing Iraqi-Italian relations at all levels, and continuing cooperation in the field of security, exchange of expertise and information, and the humanitarian aspect.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

OIC Secretary General Receives Somali Foreign Minister

Jeddah, Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Hissein Brahim Taha received today in Jeddah the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Somalia, Ahmed Moallim Fiqi.

Minister Ahmed reaffirmed his country’s commitment to collaborating with the OIC to strengthen its role and foster joint Islamic action. He also briefed the secretary-general on the current political, economic, humanitarian, and security situation in Somalia.

Taha praised the Somali government’s efforts to achieve development, stability, and combat terrorism.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Iran threatens to arrest foreign nationals without passports to travel to Iraq

The Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Police, General Ahmad Reza Radan, threatened on Wednesday to arrest those he described as “illegal foreign nationals” who want to travel to Iraq to participate in the Arbaeen pilgrimage without having official papers or approved passports.

General Radan said in press statements that “citizens and foreign nationals who are not authorized to travel to Iraq to participate in the Arbaeen pilgrimage cannot go to Iraq, and if these people move towards the border, they will be arrested and transferred to camps.”

He added, “Citizens should know that at the border, no one will be given an official letter or passport to cross into Iraq, and everyone must prepare their passports before heading to the land ports.”

General Radan warned illegal Afghans and Pakistanis in Iran, “Non-Iranian citizens who are inside the country illegally should also know that if they go to the border, they will be arrested and sent to camps to be deported to their countries.”

Regarding the number of Ir
anians who registered on the Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization’s website to participate in the Arbaeen pilgrimage this year, the Commander-in-Chief of the Iranian Police responded, ‘About two million people have registered, and we have issued one and a half million passports so far, 650 of which are transit papers, not passports. This was done in coordination with the Iraqi side.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Defense Minister, Army Commander discuss military and security developments

Caretaker Minister of National Defense, Maurice Sleem, on Wednesday conferred at his Yarzeh office with Lebanese Army Commander, General Joseph Aoun.

Discussions between the pair centered on matters concerning the military institution and the current security situation in the country. They also addressed recent developments in Lebanon and the broader region.

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon

Army chief receives Bank Employees’ Union head

Army Commander, General Joseph Aoun, received on Wednesday at his Yarzeh office the head of the bank employees’ union in Lebanon, George al-Hajj, with an accompanying delegation.

Discussions reportedly touched on various issues.

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon

Mikati holds meeting on Lebanese ministries and departments’ readiness in event of any emergency, holds financial meeting at Grand Serail

Caretaker Prime Minister, Najib Mikati, on Wednesday chaired a meeting at the Grand Serail, attended by Caretaker Ministers of Environment Nasser Yassin and Public Works and Transport Ali Hamieh, as well as the Secretary General of the Council of Ministers, Judge Mahmoud Makkieh, and the Secretary-General of the Supreme Defense Council Major General Mohammad Mustafa, devoted to following up on the current situation and assessing the readiness of Lebanese ministries and departments in the event of any emergency.

After the meeting, Minister Yassin said: ‘We presented with the Prime Minister the results of the expanded meeting of the ‘Disaster and Crisis Management Committee’ that was held at the Grand Serail today to present and enhance readiness in the event of an expansion of Israeli attacks. All ministries and official departments were called upon to implement the emergency plan, as well as international partner organizations and basic unions such as the Food Importers Union and others.’

For his part, Mini
ster Hamieh said: ‘We informed Prime Minister Mikati of the reality of the situation of the Rafic Hariri International Airport, and the maritime facilities and infrastructure in Lebanon,” adding, ‘We also informed him of the ministry’s plans and readiness in the event of any emergency regarding the issue of infrastructure, the airport and maritime facilities.’

On the other hand, Premier Mikati chaired a meeting attended by Deputy Prime Minister Saade Chami, Caretaker Minister of Finance, Dr. Youssef Al-Khalil, Director General of the Ministry of Finance, George Maarawi, and the Prime Minister’s Advisors, former Minister Nicolas Nahas and Samir Al-Daher.

The meeting reportedly centered on the overall economic conditions, and the items and proposals related to the budget.

Moreover, Mikati received at the Grand Serail the new Belgian Ambassador to Lebanon, Arnout Pauwels, who came on an acquaintance visit upon his assuming his new duties in the country.

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon