Turkmen Front: This is the truth of our position on “Rashid Hotel” meeting

The Iraqi Turkmen Front confirmed that it did not enter into any negotiations with any party regarding participation in “Rashid Hotel” meeting held recently, while pledging to its supporters not to let them down, and will always stand by their rights and legitimate demands.

The official spokesman for the Front, Muhammad Semaan Oglu, said in a press statement that “what is being rumored about this matter is baseless, and we in the Iraqi Turkmen Front are fully committed to the aspirations and hopes of our people, and we will not take any decisions that may affect our national and nationalist position while awaiting the ruling of the just Iraqi judiciary.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Al-Maliki: We will continue to support tribal support councils

Head of the State of Law Coalition, Nouri al-Maliki, confirmed his continued support for tribal support councils and his encouragement to absorb more of them, calling at the same time for commitment and respect for their privacy.

Al-Maliki said in a press statement yesterday, Saturday, “We took the initiative years ago to form tribal support councils in most of Iraq’s governorates, from influential tribal and clan leaders and figures, who contributed with a great and charitable effort to social, security and political stability, and were a support for the state’s agencies, especially the security agencies in the areas of their presence, and assumed a legitimate and national responsibility in difficult stages that Iraq went through after 2003 and to the present day.”

He added, “We are still strongly supporting these councils due to the importance of their role, and we will remain by their side, work to spread them, and encourage the inclusion of more honorable faces within their framework,” stressing that “e
veryone has the right to open up to this active segment of our society, but the support councils have their own working mechanism and connection, since their establishment,” calling for commitment and respect for this privacy.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Russia warns Ukraine of immediate military response if Kursk nuclear power plant targeted

The Russian Defense Ministry warned Ukraine of an immediate military and technical response if it attacked the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant and implemented its plan to cause a technical disaster in Europe.

The ministry said in a statement that “the Kiev regime has begun implementing its plans to cause a technical disaster that will lead to radioactive contamination in vast areas in the European part of the continent (Eurasia), we will take immediate military and technical measures.”

The statement added that Russia: takes seriously the information received through independent channels about Ukraine’s readiness to launch an attack on the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant, and accusing Russia of striking the aforementioned station.

The Russian security services announced the day before yesterday, Friday, that Ukrainian forces are planning to attack the Kursk and Zaporizhia nuclear power plants with a dirty bomb, and that they have transferred the necessary warheads to the Dnipropetrovsk region in central Ukraine for thi
s purpose.

In a related context, the Russian Foreign Ministry called on international organizations, especially the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency, to condemn the actions that Kiev is preparing for, in order to “prevent a violation of the physical and nuclear safety of the Kursk nuclear power plant, which could lead to a large-scale man-made catastrophe in Europe.”

The Russian Foreign Ministry considered that such actions by “the Kiev regime not only pose a direct threat to nuclear power plants, but also undermine the principles of the International Atomic Energy Agency on nuclear safety and security, formulated by Rafael Grossi, the agency’s director general, in 2022.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Massive rallies in Istanbul in solidarity with Palestine

Last night, Istanbul witnessed mass rallies in solidarity with the Palestinian people in the face of the Israeli aggression.

The demonstrators expressed their absolute solidarity with the people of Gaza as they face the barbarism of the Zionist enemy with hearts filled with faith and confidence in the return of the land of Palestine to its people, no matter the sacrifices.

The participants in the mass rallies denounced the policy of the West, led by the United States, which supports the Israeli crimes against a defenseless people whose land and homeland were stolen from them.

The demonstrators called on Islamic countries to take a serious stand alongside the suffering of the people of Gaza and the Palestinian people in general to prevent the Israeli enemy from continuing to commit its heinous crimes against the Palestinian people, stressing that silence on these crimes will encourage this arrogant enemy to continue this criminal approach.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Massive rallies in Istanbul in solidarity with Palestine

Last night, Istanbul witnessed mass rallies in solidarity with the Palestinian people in the face of the Israeli aggression.

The demonstrators expressed their absolute solidarity with the people of Gaza as they face the barbarism of the Zionist enemy with hearts filled with faith and confidence in the return of the land of Palestine to its people, no matter the sacrifices.

The participants in the mass rallies denounced the policy of the West, led by the United States, which supports the Israeli crimes against a defenseless people whose land and homeland were stolen from them.

The demonstrators called on Islamic countries to take a serious stand alongside the suffering of the people of Gaza and the Palestinian people in general to prevent the Israeli enemy from continuing to commit its heinous crimes against the Palestinian people, stressing that silence on these crimes will encourage this arrogant enemy to continue this criminal approach.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

The Foreign Ministry summons the Chargé d’Affaires of the British Embassy in Baghdad and hands her a protest note

The Foreign Ministry summoned today the Chargé d’Affaires of the United Kingdom Embassy in Baghdad, Ruth Coverdale, due to the presence of the ambassador outside Iraq and handed her a note of protest following the statements made by the UK Ambassador to the Republic of Iraq, Stephen Hitchen, which touched on security and political affairs in a way that reflects a bleak image of Iraq, its government and components.

The Foreign Ministry said in a statement that this constitutes interference in internal affairs and away from the diplomatic tasks assigned to the ambassador.

The Foreign Ministry stressed during the summons the need to open up to the Iraqi experience from the perspective of common interests and avoid what contradicts the serious vision that the Iraqi government and its constitutional institutions are working on.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Kirkuk Provincial Council Chairman begins his duties

The Chairman of Kirkuk Provincial Council, Mohammed Ibrahim Al-Hafez, assumed his duties after being elected.. in the presence of Kirkuk Governor Ribwar Taha.

The governor stressed his great keenness to support the council in carrying out its duties and enhancing joint cooperation and consolidating the foundations of coexistence, peace and brotherhood in Kirkuk.

For his part, the Chairman of the Council stressed that “today we are moving towards a great partnership and work that serves the people of Kirkuk”.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Kirkuk Provincial Council Chairman begins his duties

The Chairman of Kirkuk Provincial Council, Mohammed Ibrahim Al-Hafez, assumed his duties after being elected.. in the presence of Kirkuk Governor Ribwar Taha.

The governor stressed his great keenness to support the council in carrying out its duties and enhancing joint cooperation and consolidating the foundations of coexistence, peace and brotherhood in Kirkuk.

For his part, the Chairman of the Council stressed that “today we are moving towards a great partnership and work that serves the people of Kirkuk”.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Faiq Zaidan discusses a number of joint legal files with the US Embassy’s judicial attaché

The President of the Supreme Judicial Council, Faiq Zaidan, received the judicial attaché at the US Embassy.

The Judicial Council stated in a statement: “The President of the Supreme Judicial Council, Faiq Zaidan, received the judicial attaché at the US Embassy, Ellen Andrezi, today, Sunday, and discussed with her a number of joint legal files.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Formation of a new political Alliance within the Diyala Council

Diyala Council member Turki Jadaan announced the formation of a new political Alliance within the provincial council to support the new local government.

Jadaan told the correspondent of the National Iraqi News Agency / NINA /: “The “Diyala Security and Stability” alliance was formed within the provincial council headed by Rashad Al-Tamimi and his deputy Fadi Al-Lahibi and the rapporteur Darya Khairallah to support the new provincial government.”

He added: “The Diyala Security and Stability bloc will transcend sectarianism and entrenchments and will be open to all political forces in order to work as one to serve the province and its people.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency