The Chargé d’Affaires of the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in Jakarta meets with the Indonesian President’s Envoy for Middle East Affairs

The Chargé d’Affaires of the Embassy of Iraq in Jakarta, Ammar Hamid Al-Khalidi, met with the Indonesian President’s Envoy for Middle East Affairs and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation countries, Alawi Shihab.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated in a statement: “The two sides discussed strengthening and developing bilateral relations between the two friendly countries, in a way that serves common interests, in addition to working to complete the conclusion of a number of draft agreements and memoranda of understanding during the next stage.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

The Chargé d’Affaires of the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in Jakarta meets with the Indonesian President’s Envoy for Middle East Affairs

The Chargé d’Affaires of the Embassy of Iraq in Jakarta, Ammar Hamid Al-Khalidi, met with the Indonesian President’s Envoy for Middle East Affairs and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation countries, Alawi Shihab.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated in a statement: “The two sides discussed strengthening and developing bilateral relations between the two friendly countries, in a way that serves common interests, in addition to working to complete the conclusion of a number of draft agreements and memoranda of understanding during the next stage.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

The Chargé d’Affaires of the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in Jakarta meets with the Indonesian President’s Envoy for Middle East Affairs

The Chargé d’Affaires of the Embassy of Iraq in Jakarta, Ammar Hamid Al-Khalidi, met with the Indonesian President’s Envoy for Middle East Affairs and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation countries, Alawi Shihab.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated in a statement: “The two sides discussed strengthening and developing bilateral relations between the two friendly countries, in a way that serves common interests, in addition to working to complete the conclusion of a number of draft agreements and memoranda of understanding during the next stage.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Al-Hakim calls for activating the principle of social solidarity as a general culture in human societies

The head of the National Wisdom Movement, Ammar al-Hakim, called for activating the principle of social solidarity as a general culture in human societies.

Al-Hakim said in a statement on the occasion of World Humanitarian Day: “We appreciate the lofty positions of every humanitarian work wherever it is, and we urge the activation of this bright side, and the activation of the principle of social solidarity as a general culture in human societies, and providing the basics for its consolidation and support by the political, legislative, executive, media and other social activities authorities.”

He added: “In Iraq, the Arbaeen pilgrimage of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) represents the best evidence of voluntary charitable humanitarian work, as a race for serving and hosting millions of visitors coming from different parts and along the roads leading to the holy Karbala.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Minister of Defense discusses bilateral relations and ways to develop them with Qatari and Saudi ambassadors

Minister of Defense, Thabet Mohammed Saeed Al-Abbasi, received in his office at the ministry headquarters today, Monday, the Qatari Ambassador Sultan Mubarak Khalifa Issa Al-Kubaisi and his accompanying delegation.

A statement from the Ministry of Defense stated that during the meeting, bilateral relations between the two countries and ways to develop them were discussed.

In a related context, Minister of Defense, Thabet Mohammed Saeed Al-Abbasi received in his office at the ministry headquarters today, Monday, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Abdulaziz Al-Shammari, and his accompanying delegation.

During the meeting, bilateral relations between the two countries and ways to develop them were discussed.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Minister of Defense discusses bilateral relations and ways to develop them with Qatari and Saudi ambassadors

Minister of Defense, Thabet Mohammed Saeed Al-Abbasi, received in his office at the ministry headquarters today, Monday, the Qatari Ambassador Sultan Mubarak Khalifa Issa Al-Kubaisi and his accompanying delegation.

A statement from the Ministry of Defense stated that during the meeting, bilateral relations between the two countries and ways to develop them were discussed.

In a related context, Minister of Defense, Thabet Mohammed Saeed Al-Abbasi received in his office at the ministry headquarters today, Monday, the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Abdulaziz Al-Shammari, and his accompanying delegation.

During the meeting, bilateral relations between the two countries and ways to develop them were discussed.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Lebanon lodges complaint to UN Security Council over Israeli warplanes breaking sound barrier over Lebanese regions

Lebanon’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations on Monday filed a complaint before the UN Security Council, regarding the Israeli warplanes breaking the sound barrier over Lebanese territories, including the capital, Beirut.

The complaint was lodged based on the instructions of Caretaker Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Abdallah Bou Habib.

In the submitted complaint, Lebanon condemned these violations, which ‘constitute a flagrant violation of Lebanon’s sovereignty and airspace, and of UN Security Council Resolution 1701 (issued in 2006).’

The complaint also indicated that “these breaches violate a number of provisions of international humanitarian law, which prohibits all methods of collective punishment and psychological intimidation practiced by Israel through terrorizing all civilians and spreading panic, particularly among the most vulnerable segments of society, such as children.’

Source: National news agency – Lebanon

Kanaani: We must separate between the Iranian response to Israel and the ceasefire negotiations in Gaza

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said that the ceasefire negotiations in Gaza “are not linked to our legitimate right to respond to the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in our lands.”

Kanaani added in a press conference on Monday, “We must separate between the Iranian response to Israel for assassinating the martyr Ismail Haniyeh (head of the political bureau of Hamas) and the negotiations.”

He explained, “We have made great efforts to stop the ceasefire in Gaza and support the efforts of friendly countries to end the tragedy of the Gaza Strip, so we believe that these negotiations have nothing to do with the Iranian response file.”

He pointed out that “the Zionist entity, by assassinating Haniyeh, proved that it does not want negotiations and does not desire them.”

He stressed that “Iran does not want war in the region, but it is forced to respond at the appropriate time in light of the Security Council’s inability to fulfill its rights.”

The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman continued,
“Some Western countries avoided condemning the assassination of the martyr Haniyeh and prevented the issuance of a statement against Israel in the Security Council, so we believe that demands not to respond are unwise and contrary to logic and international law.”

He added, “We consider these demands an encouragement to the Zionist entity to continue its aggression and crimes.”

Israel and the United States are preparing for a possible Iranian attack after Tehran threatened to respond to Israel, which it accuses of assassinating the head of the political bureau of the Hamas movement, Ismail Haniyeh, on its territory on July 31.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Bou Habib thanks Algerian Ambassador for vital support in energy, education

Caretaker Foreign Minister, Abdullah Bou Habib, on Monday expressed deep gratitude to Algerian President, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, for Algeria’s immediate initiative to supply Lebanon with fuel to alleviate its electricity crisis.

During a meeting with Algerian Ambassador, Rachid Belbaki, Bou Habib conveyed the Lebanese government’s profound appreciation for President Tebboune’s gesture, noting that it reflects Algeria’s longstanding solidarity with Lebanon during its most challenging times.

Bou Habib also thanked Algeria for its strong support of Lebanon in international forums, particularly in the UN Security Council, where Algeria currently holds a non-permanent seat. He emphasized Lebanon’s gratitude for Algeria’s endorsement of the extension of UNIFIL’s mandate for another year.

Furthermore, Bou Habib acknowledged Algeria’s decision to grant 40 university scholarships to Lebanese students for the 2024-2025 academic year, a matter that will be closely coordinated with the Lebanese Ministry of Education a
nd Higher Education.

In turn, Ambassador Belbaki reaffirmed Algeria’s unwavering support for Lebanon, stating that ‘President Tebboune’s decision to provide fuel is a natural response to Lebanon’s current difficulties, emphasizing that Algeria will never abandon Lebanon.’

Source: National news agency – Lebanon

Bou Habib thanks Algerian Ambassador for vital support in energy, education

Caretaker Foreign Minister, Abdullah Bou Habib, on Monday expressed deep gratitude to Algerian President, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, for Algeria’s immediate initiative to supply Lebanon with fuel to alleviate its electricity crisis.

During a meeting with Algerian Ambassador, Rachid Belbaki, Bou Habib conveyed the Lebanese government’s profound appreciation for President Tebboune’s gesture, noting that it reflects Algeria’s longstanding solidarity with Lebanon during its most challenging times.

Bou Habib also thanked Algeria for its strong support of Lebanon in international forums, particularly in the UN Security Council, where Algeria currently holds a non-permanent seat. He emphasized Lebanon’s gratitude for Algeria’s endorsement of the extension of UNIFIL’s mandate for another year.

Furthermore, Bou Habib acknowledged Algeria’s decision to grant 40 university scholarships to Lebanese students for the 2024-2025 academic year, a matter that will be closely coordinated with the Lebanese Ministry of Education a
nd Higher Education.

In turn, Ambassador Belbaki reaffirmed Algeria’s unwavering support for Lebanon, stating that ‘President Tebboune’s decision to provide fuel is a natural response to Lebanon’s current difficulties, emphasizing that Algeria will never abandon Lebanon.’

Source: National news agency – Lebanon