House of Representatives: The parliamentary decision included the approval of the budget tables sent by the government

The Presidency of the Council of Representatives renewed its confirmation of the formula of the parliamentary decision regarding the general budget tables, which stated “approval of adopting the estimates of the tables of the Federal General Budget Law for the year 2024 and its attachments” Tables A / B / C / D / E / F “and the deficit financing table as received from the Council of Ministers, and the Council of Ministers may transfer allocations of an amount of two trillion dinars to the governorates not organized in a region and distributed according to the population percentage and poverty.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Iraq is the fourth largest oil exporter to China during the month

The Chinese Customs Administration announced today, Wednesday, that Iraq ranked fourth among the largest oil exporters to China during the month of July.

The Administration showed, in its statistics, that “Iraq’s oil exports to China during the month of July 2024 amounted to 4.36 million metric tons, or the equivalent of (33.93) million barrels, a decrease of 12.1% from June, where it amounted to 5.7 million metric tons, or the equivalent of (41.78) million barrels, and an increase from the same month of last year 2023 by 14.2%, where it amounted to 5.40 million metric tons, or the equivalent of (39.58) million barrels.”

She explained that “Iraq ranked fourth among the top ten oil exporting countries to China during the past month, adding that Iraq came after: Russia, which amounted to 7.46 million metric tons, followed by Saudi Arabia in second place, which amounted to 6.41 million metric tons, followed by Malaysia in third place, which amounted to 6.21 million metric tons.”

Source: National Iraqi News A

The Ministers of Economy and Industry discuss the economic situation in Tulkarm

Tulkarm-Ma’an- Minister of National Economy Mohammad al-Amour and Minister of Industry Arafat Asfour discussed on Wednesday with economic figures in Tulkarm Governorate the economic situation and addressing a number of issues facing the private sector.

The field visit to Tulkarm included a meeting with Tulkarm Governor Mustafa Taqatqa, members of the Board of Directors of the Tulkarm Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and a meeting with traders and businessmen held at the Chamber of Commerce headquarters. A number of factories and the directorates of the Ministries of Economy and Industry were also visited, during which the overall economic situation in the governorate, priorities and required needs were discussed.

The governor said, “We are going through exceptional circumstances due to the Israeli aggression and the repeated targeting of life components in the governorate, especially the infrastructure and the repeated destruction, as Nour Shams camp was subjected to 28 raids, in addition to the sharp decl
ine in commercial activity and the high rates of unemployment and poverty.

The governor stressed the efforts being made to enhance the steadfastness of citizens despite the limited resources in coordination and partnership with various institutions, with the importance of developing a development plan that enhances the steadfastness of citizens.

The two ministers explained that this visit comes based on a field program to identify the needs and problems of citizens and economic activities and to devote partnership in reviving the economic situation according to the available capabilities, especially the governorates that are exposed to raids and systematic destruction of the infrastructure of the economy.

They reviewed the government’s program and agenda, which is based on the foundation of national unity as the only way to thwart Israeli plans, in addition to the efforts made by the government to confront the challenges and enhance the steadfastness of our people.

The economic activities pointed to the d
estruction of the infrastructure, especially since the governorate’s sources of income depend on the movement of workers and employees and the shopping of Palestinians inside, and therefore it is necessary to develop a rapid response plan to confront the challenges in partnership with all partners.

She stressed the importance of establishing a unified window for licenses, securing industrial facilities due to the occupation’s attacks, reviewing the unified classification of economic facilities, and the importance of directing reliance on renewable energy and allocating incentives for this purpose.

The economic activities indicated that commercial activity is witnessing a sharp decline as a result of 12,000 workers losing their sources of work, and the repercussions of the current financial crisis, and there are many shops that have been completely or partially destroyed and industrial facilities are on the verge of closing due to the decline in commercial activity and the repercussions of the Israeli aggres

She stressed the importance of the partnership between the government and the private sector to confront these challenges, and design urgent relief programs to enhance the steadfastness of citizens and the private sector.

The activities pointed out the importance of forming a specialized committee to limit the effects of the aggression on the governorate’s economy, the need for industrial zones in the governorate, strengthening and expanding the production base, and supporting national products.

She stressed the need to address random imports, and the high costs of production inputs that limit competition in the market between the national product and the imported one, and to pay attention to the spatial plan and the description of the use of land, industrial or agricultural, and the need to combine efforts to translate plans into reality to alleviate the suffering of citizens.

After listening to the two ministers, they confirmed that there will be a central committee to assess the damage in all gov
ernorates of the country, and currently a ministerial committee to study the spatial plan, and full readiness for partnership and cooperation in establishing an industrial zone in Tulkarm Governorate, which requires the initiative of the private sector to provide the requirements for establishing this zone.

The two ministers mentioned the importance of renewal and modernization in production to meet market needs, while emphasizing the government’s realism in implementing the available capabilities, pointing to the government initiatives in the renewable energy and economic empowerment sectors.

After listening to the issues of the private sector, the two ministers visited the ministry’s directorate, stressing the importance of making every effort to provide and simplify the provision of services so that citizens feel the difference. They and the accompanying delegation also inspected a number of factories operating in Tulkarm Governorate, where they were briefed on the status of the factories and their workf
low in light of the sharp decline in economic activity due to the repercussions of the aggression.

Source: Maan News Agency

Oil prices stabilize after days of losses

Oil prices witnessed a slight rise on Wednesday, recovering some gains after a series of continuous losses over the days, thanks to the decline in concerns about the conflict in the Middle East and lower expectations about Chinese demand.

Brent crude futures rose by 47 cents, or 0.6%, to reach $77.67 per barrel, while US West Texas Intermediate crude prices increased by 48 cents, or 0.7%, to reach $73.65 per barrel.

Brent prices fell by 6.2% at the end of trading yesterday, Tuesday, after exceeding $82 last Monday, to record its lowest level in two weeks at $77.20 per barrel. West Texas Intermediate crude also fell by 7.5% during the same period.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

The Monetary Authority warns of the repercussions of the continued refusal of the Israeli side to receive the accumulated shekels

Ramallah – Ma’an – The Monetary Authority warned of serious and imminent repercussions that will affect all aspects of life if the Israeli side continues to refuse to receive the shekel banknotes accumulated in Palestinian banks.

The Monetary Authority confirmed in a statement issued today, Wednesday, that banks operating in Palestine will not be able to finance trade operations and pay the prices of goods and services to Israeli companies and suppliers, during the next few days, as the continued refusal of the Israeli side to charge the shekel deprives them of feeding their accounts in Israeli correspondent banks, which will have a direct impact on the ability of the public and private sectors to finance the import of goods and services coming from Israel.

Source: Maan News Agency

A new study attempts to answer… Why might smokers prefer to switch to alternative tobacco products?

Together – Experts at the Institute of Industrial Economics and Trade at Seoul National University in Korea confirmed in a recent research study that switching to heated tobacco products increases the chances of quitting smoking completely, noting that the majority of users of heated tobacco products are people who smoked traditional cigarettes before switching to alternative products that rely on heating tobacco instead of burning it.

Experts also pointed out that there is no evidence that heated tobacco products may be a gateway to starting smoking, which is what the study conducted on about 4,514 adults showed. Rather, the study concluded that those who start smoking during adolescence are less likely to choose heated tobacco products, and prefer traditional cigarettes.

What is interesting about the results of this study, which included 2,356 non-smokers, 1,316 traditional smokers, and 842 users of heated tobacco products, is that it showed a greater tendency to switch to heated tobacco products among females, people with more education, those with children, those who work in office jobs, and those with health concerns.

The study also found that adult females aged 20-39 were more likely to switch to HTPs, regardless of their income levels. While males over 40 were more likely to switch to HTPs if they had a higher income.

In this context, the study pointed out that the Korean tobacco market has witnessed a major change since the launch of heated tobacco products in 2017, as their sales volume has increased significantly at the expense of traditional cigarettes. The study provided some data, while heated tobacco product sales represented only about 2.2% of total tobacco sales in the first year of its launch, this percentage rose to 12% in the first half of 2021.

Finally, the experts conclude that the changes in the Korean tobacco market provide an excellent research environment to explore the reasons why smokers adopt heated tobacco products, which is of particular importance to tobacco policymakers and regulators including taxation and market regulation.

Source: Maan News Agency

To combat “monkeypox”, France opens 232 vaccination centers

Paris – Ma’an – French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal announced that “232 vaccination centers have been opened to deal with the possibility of an outbreak of monkeypox,” and promised to provide 100,000 doses of vaccines to the most affected countries.

“We are ready to face all scenarios and risks. 232 vaccination centers have been opened across the country, and more will be opened,” he wrote on X.

He explained that “at the request of the President of the Republic, France will donate 100,000 doses of the vaccine.”

“These doses will be distributed across the European Union to areas where the virus is spreading strongly,” he added, stressing that these donations would “boost current European efforts by about 50%.”

Source: Maan News Agency

Saudi U20 Cycling Team to participate in Luoyang Track World Championships in China

Riyadh, The Saudi Arabia national Under-20 (U20) cycling team launched its participation in the World Track Cycling Championships. The event is hosted by the People’s Republic of China in Luoyang from August 21 to 25, with the participation of more than 250 athletes representing 45 countries.

The Saudi team concluded its preparations for the global event with training sessions on the Luoyang Sports Track, the Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported.

The training varied between technical and tactical drills in preparation for its first competition, the team pursuit race.

Source: Bahrain News Agency