‫مجموعة أباريل تواصل توسعها الاستراتيجي في المنطقة بافتتاح 100 متجر جديد في النصف الأول من 2024

شهد هذا التوسع مجموعة من أبرز العلامات المشهورة عالمياً مثل هاكيت لندن، ليفايز، نيويوركر، أردين، بيركنستوك، ديون لندن، ستيف مادن، وأثليتسكو، بفرلي هيلس بولو كلوب، سكتشرز، تيم هورتنز، اسيكس، ألو بيروت

مجموعة أباريل تواصل توسعها الاستراتيجي في المنطقة بافتتاح 100 متجر جديد في النصف الأول من 2024
مجموعة أباريل تواصل توسعها الاستراتيجي في المنطقة بافتتاح 100 متجر جديد في النصف الأول من 2024

دبي، الإمارات العربية, Aug. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —

حققت مجموعة أباريل، الشركة الرائدة عالمياً في مجالات الأزياء وأساليب الحياة، نجاحاً ملحوظاً في رحلة نموها عبر افتتاح 100 متجر جديد في الشرق الأوسط وآسيا في النصف الأول من 2024. فمن خلال تقديم علامات تجارية بارزة عالمياً مثل ستيف مادن، وديون لندن، وأثليتسكو، وبفرلي هيلس بولو كلوب، وألدو، وسكتشرز، وتيم هورتنز، واسيكس، وهاكيت لندن، وليفايز، ونيويوركر، وأردين، وألو بيروت، نجحت مجموعة أباريل بترسيخ بصمتها في أهم الأسواق العالمية مثل الهند، والبحرين، والإمارات، وعُمان، والسعودية.

افتتاح هذه المتاجر الجديدة يسلط الضوء على الالتزام الراسخ لدى مجموعة أباريل بتقديم تجربة تسوّق استثنائية لعملائها. ومن خلال هذه الفروع الجديدة، فإن مجموعة أباريل تستمر في جهودها نحو تحقيق الإبتكار ورضا العملاء من أجل تقديم أفضل الخدمات والمنتجات لكل ما يزور هذه المتاجر.

وقال السيد نيراج تيكشينداني، الرئيس التنفيذي لدى مجموعة أباريل ” نحن في غاية الفخر لافتتاح أكثر من 100 متجر جديد في النصف الأول من 2024. هذه الانجاز يعكس التزامنا ومثابرتنا لتوسيع حضورنا وتطوير تجربة التسوّق لدى عملائنا في مختلف المجتمعات حول العالم. كل متجر يدل على أكثر من مجرد النمو، بل يدل على الابتكار والالتزام بالتميز في قطاع التجزئة. كما نهدف لمواصلة رحلة نجاحنا وتقديم القيمة الاستثنائية لعملائنا الأعزاء.”

وتسلط سلسلة الافتتاحات التوجه الاستراتيجي لمجموعة أباريل نحو تعزيز حضورها في السوق بالتزامن مع التزامها بجلب الأزياء العالمية الفاخرة للمتسوقين في هذه الأسواق.

لمحة عن مجموعة أباريل

تقف مجموعة أباريل، أكبر مشغل في مجالات الأزياء وأسلوب الحياة، على مفترق طرق الاقتصاد الحديث في مدينة دبي، بدولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة. واليوم، أضحت المجموعة قادرة على تلبية احتياجات ملايين المتسوقين عبر أكثر من 2,200 متجراً وأكثر من 85 علامة تجارية وبتعيين 22,000 موظف من مختلف الثقافات.

حققت المجموعة حضوراً قوياً وراسخاً في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي في البحرين وقطر وعُمان والمملكة العربية السعودية والكويت كما أنها نجحت في التوسيع استراتيجياً لمجالات تسويقها في الهند وجنوب أفريقيا وسنغافورة وإندونيسيا وتايلند وماليزيا ومصر. وإضافة إلى ذلك، وضعت المجموعة استراتيجيات واضحة للدخول إلى العديد من الأسواق الناشئة مثل هنغاريا والفلبين.

تدير مجموعة أباريل العديد من العلامات التجارية العالمية الشهيرة، التي انطلقت من الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وكندا وأوروبا وأستراليا وآسيا، وتضم الكثير من الأسماء الرائدة في عالم الأزياء، الأحذية ونمط الحياة على غرار تومي هيلفيغر، تشارلز آند كيث، سكتشرز، ألدو، كروكس، ناين وست،كلفن كلاين، إروبوستال، وغيرها من الأسماء بالإضافة لعلامات تجارية رئيسية مثل تيم هورتنز، جيميز إتاليان، كولدستون كريمري، إنجلوت، ريتوالز وذلك على سبيل المثال لا الحصر.

يذكر بأن الفضل في نجاحات مجموعة أباريل ونموها المذهل يعود لرؤية وتوجيهات مؤسستها ورئيسة مجلس الإدارة سيما جنواني فيد، التي انطلقت بالشركة من القوة إلى الأقوى منذ نشأتها وعلى امتداد عقدين من الزمن.


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Parliamentary call to the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Interior to follow up on the file of those wanted by justice in neighboring countries

The Parliamentary Foreign Relations Committee called on the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Interior and the security services to follow up on the file of those wanted for justice outside Iraq in cooperation with the International Police “Interpol”.

The Vice-Chairman of the Committee, Jabbar Al-Kanani, confirmed in a press statement today, Monday, that “among the wanted is the killer of the martyr Mustafa Al-Athari, the so-called “Rafeh Mishhan Al-Jumaili”, a leader in the terrorist organization ISIS”, noting that there are confirmations that the terrorist visited the Iraqi consulate in Turkey and roamed inside it without any restrictions.

He added, “There are big question marks about this file, and the necessity for the ministries of Foreign affaires, Interior and security services to have an active role in following up on those wanted for justice outside Iraq”, calling on the concerned authorities to clarify the measures taken against the terrorist Rafeh Mishhan Al-Jumaili, who currently resides in Turk

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Lebanese newspapers’ headlines August 26, 2024


Limited Response and Preemptive Strike: Has the War Passed?


Hezbollah Avenges for Shukor: We Will Repeat It if Necessary


Look at the Faces of the Enemy’s Leaders, and You’ll Know What Really Happened

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon

Al-Araji visits the Iraqi Embassy in Brussels

National Security Adviser Qasim Al-Araji visited the Iraqi Embassy in the Belgian capital, Brussels, today.

According to a statement by the National Security Advisory, Al-Araji held a consultative meeting with the accompanying Iraqi delegation in the presence of the Iraqi Ambassador to Brussels, Ahmed Tahseen Barwari, before participating in the first session of the high-level dialogue with NATO and meeting with officials of the European Union and the Belgian side, which will be held tomorrow, Tuesday, in the Belgian capital, Brussels.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Bukhari broaches developments with French Ambassador, meets MP al-Baarini

Saudi Ambassador to Lebanon, Dr. Walid Bukhari, on Monday welcomed at his Yarzeh residence, the French Ambassador to Lebanon, Hervé Magro.

Discussions between the pair reportedly touched on the most prominent political developments on the Lebanese and regional scenes, especially in light of the recent developments witnessed on the southern arena.

Ways to enhance cooperation between the two friendly countries in all fields were also discussed.

On the other hand, Ambassador Bukhari met the ‘National Moderation’ Bloc MP Walid Al-Baarini, at the Saudi Embassy in Beirut.

During the meeting, discussions between the pair reportedly touched on the latest political developments in Lebanon and the broader region, in addition to a number of issues of common interest.

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon

Al-Maliki: We are for a general amnesty, but we refuse to release terrorists whose hands are stained with the blood of innocents

Head of the State of Law Coalition Nouri al-Maliki confirmed that the coalition is for a general amnesty, but refuses to release terrorists whose hands are stained with the blood of innocents.

Al-Maliki said in a televised speech that crimes of financial and administrative corruption, incest and espionage must be excluded from the general amnesty law.

He added that security, stability and the continuity of the political process require adherence to the law and the constitution, noting that the current government has developed its political program and presented it to Parliament, which approved it and has become binding on the political process and the forces that approved it.

Al-Maliki continued: The audience of the political process is a national audience, but winning the audience must be in accordance with the basics of the law and the political process.

He said: We all support those who can achieve an accomplishment in accordance with national affiliations.

Al-Maliki stressed that the national interes
t requires not giving up on those who practiced murder and terrorism, disrupted the country, and prevented reconstruction and services. He said: We hope that there will be a trend towards a general amnesty for ordinary crimes and felonies, and we support that, pointing out that there are controls set by the judiciary that must be respected.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Kataeb Party stands firm in face of slanderers: Others have vanished, but we remain

The Lebanese Kataeb’s Media Department issued a strong condemnation on Monday, rejecting recent accusations made by Hezbollah affiliates against party leader Samy Gemayel. The department denounced the claims as “unacceptable and baseless,” framing them as a deliberate effort to muzzle free speech in Lebanon.

The party accused Hezbollah’s media machine of orchestrating a smear campaign against those who oppose the ongoing conflict, particularly targeting individuals who refuse to support the group’s unilateral decision to drag Lebanon into a military confrontation with Israel. The statement singled out political analyst Faisal Abdul Sater, who made derogatory remarks about Gemayel during a recent interview on OTV.

The Kataeb Party’s Media Department criticized Hezbollah for deploying “its usual band of slanderers” to brand anyone who speaks freely as a traitor, especially those who dissent from the group’s actions.

“This time, they are targeting those who refuse to support the senseless war that Lebanon has
been dragged into without the consent of its people, a war that is consuming the very flesh, capabilities, and lives of its citizens,” the statement declared.

Addressing Abdul Sater directly, the statement urged him to reconsider his stance, emphasizing that the Kataeb Party’s positions are “clear and unequivocal” and need no interpretation-except by those “blinded by a false sense of promised victory.”

Reiterating its firm opposition to the ongoing conflict, the Kataeb Party stated, “Yes, the Kataeb Party and its leader reject this futile war that has neither saved Gaza nor deterred Israel, but instead has dragged Lebanon into a conflict that serves no purpose for the country.”

The statement went further, accusing Iran of exploiting the Palestinian cause to advance its own interests, all while negotiating with the United States. The party also condemned Hezbollah for monopolizing decision-making in Lebanon, declaring, “Yes, the Kataeb Party rejects the direct and indirect negotiations that Hezbollah is co
nducting, both openly and secretly, on behalf of all Lebanese.”

The Kataeb Party reaffirmed its unwavering commitment to Lebanon’s sovereignty and the well-being of its citizens.

“Yes, a thousand times yes, the Kataeb Party and its leader prioritize the interests of Lebanon, the safety of its people, and their right to live in peace, security, and prosperity above all else,” the statement proclaimed.

In a pointed warning to those who accuse the party of treason, the Kataeb Party cautioned, “Stop the accusations of treason, for they will eventually come back to haunt you! Preserve the possibility of reconciliation with the rest of the Lebanese people!”

The statement concluded with a powerful reminder of the Kataeb Party’s nearly nine decades of resilience: “We have seen many like you during the 88 years of the Kataeb Party’s existence. They have all vanished, while Lebanon and the Kataeb have endured.”

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon

MP Baarini visits Ambassador Bukhari, discusses latest developments

National Moderation’ Bloc MP Walid Al-Baarini, on Monday visited the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Lebanon, Dr. Walid Bukhari, at the Saudi Embassy in Beirut.

Discussions between the pair reportedly touched on the Lebanese situation and the latest developments in Lebanon and the region, especially the war on Gaza and southern Lebanon, as per a statement from MP Baarini’s office.

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon

Al-Hakim stresses the necessity of preserving Iraqi components and compensating some of them

The head of the National State Forces Alliance, Ammar al-Hakim, received the head of the Christian, Yazidi and Mandaean Endowments Diwan, Rami Joseph Aghajan.

He stressed during the meeting, according to a statement by his media office, the necessity of preserving the Iraqi components, empowering them, caring for them, and compensating some of them who were harmed by terrorism and sectarian and ethnic targeting, and that the presence of the Iraqi components in the general Iraqi scene should not be linked to their numbers, as the qualitative addition is not measured by numbers.

He pointed to the importance of preserving diversity and moving it to the stage of managing diversity and investing in the Iraqi components to be bridges of Iraq to the peoples of the region and the world, and continuous communication and coordination with the concerned parties to confront the intellectual and social challenges facing our societies.

The head of the State Forces Alliance stressed the importance of integration between
the Christian, Yazidi and Mandaean Endowments Diwan with the religious institutions of the other components.

He called for “preserving the properties and endowments of citizens from the Iraqi components, and for dialogue and cultural exchange and starting from the common humanity that characterizes all religions.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency