Porsche Design and Ananda Development Debut Asia’s First Porsche Design Tower in Bangkok

BANGKOK, THAILAND/STUTTGART, GERMANY – Media OutReach Newswire – 27 August 2024 – Porsche Design has announced a collaboration with Thai real estate developer Ananda Development to create the Porsche Design Tower Bangkok. The ultra-luxury residence, located on Sukhumvit 38, is aimed at ultra-high net-worth individuals and will be the first of its kind in Asia and the third globally. The project features 22 exclusive duplex and quadplex ‘Sky Villas’ ranging from 525 to 1,135 square meters, with an average price of USD 15 million and up to USD 40 million. Construction is set to begin next year and complete by the end of 2028.

The partnership between Porsche Design and Ananda Development combines design excellence with engineering prowess to create a future landmark. Lutz Meschke, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board at Porsche AG, stated that the project fits into Porsche’s approach to offer exclusive experiences to discerning customers and marks a significant step for Porsche in South Asia.

Stefan Buescher, Chairman of the Executive Board of Porsche Lifestyle Group, emphasized the design philosophy of optimizing function while uncompromisingly reducing the form to the essentials. Chanond Ruangkritya, President and CEO of Ananda Development, expressed his enthusiasm for the collaboration, highlighting the shared passion for excellence.

Unique features of the Porsche Design Tower Bangkok include “Passion Spaces” – luxury garages for residents’ car collections, and “The Loop” – a spiral access ramp for cars leading directly to the “Passion Spaces”. The façade features a fully automated terrace door system, allowing a seamless blend of outdoor and indoor living. Another architectural highlight is the exposed pedestal structure called “X-Frame”. The top of the tower is embellished by “The Crown” – a light signature inspired by Porsche sports cars creating a landmark in Bangkok’s skyline. The tower also offers a 25-meter swimming pool, a fitness center, a spa, a social lounge, and a business lounge.

For more information, visit pdtowerbangkok.com.

About Porsche Design:

In 1963, Professor Ferdinand Alexander Porsche created one of the most iconic design objects in contemporary history: the Porsche 911. Following his vision to take the principles and myth of Porsche beyond the automotive world, he created the exclusive lifestyle brand Porsche Design in 1972. His philosophy and design language can still be seen in all Porsche Design products today. Every Porsche Design product stands for extraordinary precision and perfection, boasts a high level of technological innovation and seamlessly combines intelligent functionality and puristic design. Created by Studio F. A. Porsche in Austria, our products are sold worldwide in Porsche Design stores, high-end department stores, exclusive specialist retailers and the official online store (porsche-design.com).

For regular updates on Porsche Lifestyle, please follow:
Instagram: instagram.com/porschedesign
Facebook: facebook.com/porschedesign
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/porschelifestylegroup
YouTube: youtube.com/@porschedesign

About Ananda Development:

Ananda Development Public Company Limited is a leader in condominium development in prime locations along Bangkok Skytrain routes. Ananda’s projects are distinguished by their style, modernity, and outstanding quality at reasonable prices. The company offers well-known brands such as IDEO, IDEO MOBI, and Ashton. Ananda is committed to developing its corporate image while continually presenting solutions for new urban lifestyles. For more information, please visit www.ananda.co.th.

بورشه ديزاين وأناندا ديفيلوبمنت تطلقان أول برج بورشه ديزاين بآسيا في بانكوك

بانكوك، تايلاند/شتوتجارت، ألمانيا – Media OutReach Newswire– 27 أغسطس 2024 – أعلنت بورشه ديزاين عن تعاونها مع شركة التطوير العقاري التايلاندية أناندا ديفيلوبمنت لإنشاء برج بورشه ديزاين في بانكوك، وهذا المسكن فائق الفخامة، الواقع في طريق سوكومفيت 38، مصمَّم للأفراد ذوي الأرصدة المالية الضخمة، وسيكون الأول من نوعه في آسيا والثالث على مستوى العالم. يضم المشروع 22 وحدةً خاصةً بعضها ذات طابقين وبعضها ذات أربعة طوابق باسم “Sky Villas”، وتتراوح مساحاتها من 525 إلى 1135 مترًا مربعًا، بمتوسط ​​سعر يتراوح بين 15 مليون دولار أمريكي وما يصل إلى 40 مليون دولار أمريكي، ومن المقرر أن يبدأ البناء في العام المقبل وسيكتمل بنهاية عام 2028.

تجمع الشراكة بين بورشه ديزاين وأناندا ديفيلوبمنت بين التميز في التصميم والبراعة الهندسية لإنشاء معلم معماري سابق لعصره. صرح لوتس ميشكي، نائب رئيس مجلس الإدارة التنفيذي في شركة بورشه إيه جي، أن المشروع يتوافق مع نهج بورشه لتقديم تجارب مميزة للعملاء ذوي الذوق الرفيع ويمثل خطوة مهمة لأعمال بورشه في جنوب آسيا.

أكد ستيفان بوشر، رئيس مجلس الإدارة التنفيذي لبورشه لايف ستايل جروب، على أن فلسفة التصميم تستهدف تحسين الأداء وتبسيط الشكل دون تقصير في الجودة. كما عبر شانوند روانجكريتيا، رئيس مجلس الإدارة والرئيس التنفيذي لشركة أناندا ديفيلوبمنت، عن حماسه للتعاون مؤكدًا على رغبة الشركتين المتبادلة في التميز.

تتضمن المزايا الفريدة لبرج بورشه ديزاين بانكوك “Passion Spaces”  وهي مرائب فاخرة لمجموعات سيارات السكان، و”The Loop”  وهو منحدر حلزوني للسيارات يؤدي مباشرة إلى “Passion Spaces”. كما أن واجهة البرج مزودة بنظام آلي بالكامل لأبواب الشرفات لدمج أماكن المعيشة الخارجية والداخلية بسلاسة. تتضمن أبرز معالم البرج المعمارية كذلك هيكل القاعدة المكشوف المسمى “X-Frame”، والجزء العلوي من البرج مزين بـ “The Crown”  وهو عبارة عن علامة ضوئية تصميمها مستوحى من سيارات بورش الرياضية، وستصير معلمًا بارزًا في أفق بانكوك. يضم البرج أيضًا مسبحًا طوله 25 مترًا، ومركزًا للياقة البدنية، وناديًا صحيًا، واستراحة اجتماعية، واستراحة لرجال أعمال.

لمعرفة مزيد من المعلومات، تفضل بزيارة  pdtowerbangkok.com.

نبذة عن بورشه ديزاين:

في عام 1963، ابتكر بروفيسور فرديناند ألكسندر بورشه أحد أشهر تصميمات السيارات في التاريخ المعاصر وهو تصميم بورشه 911، واتبع رؤيته في توسيع نطاق تطبيق مبادئ وعبقرية بورشه كي لا تقتصر على مجال صناعة السيارات، ولذلك ابتكر علامة بورشه ديزاين التجارية الحصرية لأسلوب الحياة في عام 1972، وما زالت فلسفته وأسلوب تصميمه واضحين في جميع منتجات بورشه ديزاين حتى الآن. يتميز كل منتج من منتجات بورشه ديزاين بمستوى عالٍ من الدقة والكمال، ويفخر بأرقى مستويات الإبداع التكنولوجي، ويجمع بسلاسة بين ذكاء الأداء الوظيفي وأصالة التصميم. صُنعت منتجاتنا باستوديو إف إيه بورشه في النمسا، وتُباع في جميع أنحاء العالم في متاجر بورشه ديزاين والمتاجر الشاملة الراقية ولدى تجار التجزئة المتخصصين الحصريين والمتجر الرسمي عبر الإنترنت (porsche-design.com).

لمعرفة أحدث أخبار علامة بورشه لأسلوب الحياة بانتظام، يرجى المتابعة على:

إنستجرام: instagram.com/porschedesign

فيسبوك: facebook.com/porschedesign

لينكد إن: linkedin.com/company/porschelifestylegroup

يوتيوب: youtube.com/@porschedesign

نبذة عن  شركة أناندا ديفيلوبمنت:

تعد شركة أناندا ديفيلوبمنت العامة المحدودة من رواد إنشاء المباني السكنية في مواقع مميزة بجانب مسارات قطارات بانكوك سكاي ترين. تتميز مشاريع أناندا بأناقة طابعها وحداثتها وجودتها المتميزة وأسعارها المعقولة، وتقدم الشركة علامات تجارية معروفة مثل IDEO وIDEO ‎MOBI  وAshton . تلتزم شركة أناندا بتطوير سمعتها المؤسسية إلى جانب استمرارها في تقديم حلول لأساليب الحياة الحضرية الجديدة. لمعرفة مزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة www.ananda.co.th.

بورشه ديزاين وأناندا ديفيلوبمنت تطلقان أول برج بورشه ديزاين بآسيا في بانكوك

بانكوك، تايلاند/شتوتجارت، ألمانيا – Media OutReach Newswire– 27 أغسطس 2024 – أعلنت بورشه ديزاين عن تعاونها مع شركة التطوير العقاري التايلاندية أناندا ديفيلوبمنت لإنشاء برج بورشه ديزاين في بانكوك، وهذا المسكن فائق الفخامة، الواقع في طريق سوكومفيت 38، مصمَّم للأفراد ذوي الأرصدة المالية الضخمة، وسيكون الأول من نوعه في آسيا والثالث على مستوى العالم. يضم المشروع 22 وحدةً خاصةً بعضها ذات طابقين وبعضها ذات أربعة طوابق باسم “Sky Villas”، وتتراوح مساحاتها من 525 إلى 1135 مترًا مربعًا، بمتوسط ​​سعر يتراوح بين 15 مليون دولار أمريكي وما يصل إلى 40 مليون دولار أمريكي، ومن المقرر أن يبدأ البناء في العام المقبل وسيكتمل بنهاية عام 2028.

تجمع الشراكة بين بورشه ديزاين وأناندا ديفيلوبمنت بين التميز في التصميم والبراعة الهندسية لإنشاء معلم معماري سابق لعصره. صرح لوتس ميشكي، نائب رئيس مجلس الإدارة التنفيذي في شركة بورشه إيه جي، أن المشروع يتوافق مع نهج بورشه لتقديم تجارب مميزة للعملاء ذوي الذوق الرفيع ويمثل خطوة مهمة لأعمال بورشه في جنوب آسيا.

أكد ستيفان بوشر، رئيس مجلس الإدارة التنفيذي لبورشه لايف ستايل جروب، على أن فلسفة التصميم تستهدف تحسين الأداء وتبسيط الشكل دون تقصير في الجودة. كما عبر شانوند روانجكريتيا، رئيس مجلس الإدارة والرئيس التنفيذي لشركة أناندا ديفيلوبمنت، عن حماسه للتعاون مؤكدًا على رغبة الشركتين المتبادلة في التميز.

تتضمن المزايا الفريدة لبرج بورشه ديزاين بانكوك “Passion Spaces”  وهي مرائب فاخرة لمجموعات سيارات السكان، و”The Loop”  وهو منحدر حلزوني للسيارات يؤدي مباشرة إلى “Passion Spaces”. كما أن واجهة البرج مزودة بنظام آلي بالكامل لأبواب الشرفات لدمج أماكن المعيشة الخارجية والداخلية بسلاسة. تتضمن أبرز معالم البرج المعمارية كذلك هيكل القاعدة المكشوف المسمى “X-Frame”، والجزء العلوي من البرج مزين بـ “The Crown”  وهو عبارة عن علامة ضوئية تصميمها مستوحى من سيارات بورش الرياضية، وستصير معلمًا بارزًا في أفق بانكوك. يضم البرج أيضًا مسبحًا طوله 25 مترًا، ومركزًا للياقة البدنية، وناديًا صحيًا، واستراحة اجتماعية، واستراحة لرجال أعمال.

لمعرفة مزيد من المعلومات، تفضل بزيارة  pdtowerbangkok.com.

نبذة عن بورشه ديزاين:

في عام 1963، ابتكر بروفيسور فرديناند ألكسندر بورشه أحد أشهر تصميمات السيارات في التاريخ المعاصر وهو تصميم بورشه 911، واتبع رؤيته في توسيع نطاق تطبيق مبادئ وعبقرية بورشه كي لا تقتصر على مجال صناعة السيارات، ولذلك ابتكر علامة بورشه ديزاين التجارية الحصرية لأسلوب الحياة في عام 1972، وما زالت فلسفته وأسلوب تصميمه واضحين في جميع منتجات بورشه ديزاين حتى الآن. يتميز كل منتج من منتجات بورشه ديزاين بمستوى عالٍ من الدقة والكمال، ويفخر بأرقى مستويات الإبداع التكنولوجي، ويجمع بسلاسة بين ذكاء الأداء الوظيفي وأصالة التصميم. صُنعت منتجاتنا باستوديو إف إيه بورشه في النمسا، وتُباع في جميع أنحاء العالم في متاجر بورشه ديزاين والمتاجر الشاملة الراقية ولدى تجار التجزئة المتخصصين الحصريين والمتجر الرسمي عبر الإنترنت (porsche-design.com).

لمعرفة أحدث أخبار علامة بورشه لأسلوب الحياة بانتظام، يرجى المتابعة على:

إنستجرام: instagram.com/porschedesign

فيسبوك: facebook.com/porschedesign

لينكد إن: linkedin.com/company/porschelifestylegroup

يوتيوب: youtube.com/@porschedesign

نبذة عن  شركة أناندا ديفيلوبمنت:

تعد شركة أناندا ديفيلوبمنت العامة المحدودة من رواد إنشاء المباني السكنية في مواقع مميزة بجانب مسارات قطارات بانكوك سكاي ترين. تتميز مشاريع أناندا بأناقة طابعها وحداثتها وجودتها المتميزة وأسعارها المعقولة، وتقدم الشركة علامات تجارية معروفة مثل IDEO وIDEO ‎MOBI  وAshton . تلتزم شركة أناندا بتطوير سمعتها المؤسسية إلى جانب استمرارها في تقديم حلول لأساليب الحياة الحضرية الجديدة. لمعرفة مزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة www.ananda.co.th.

Explosive Growth of Crypto Millionaires in 2024

LONDON, Aug. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — There are now 172,300 individuals worldwide holding over USD 1 million in crypto assets — a 95% increase compared to last year — with the number of Bitcoin millionaires soaring by 111% to 85,400, according to the Crypto Wealth Report 2024 published by international wealth and investment migration specialists Henley & Partners.

The total market value of crypto assets has now reached a staggering USD 2.3 trillion, an 89% increase when compared to the USD 1.2 trillion reported in the firm’s inaugural report last year. The upper echelons of crypto wealth have also expanded dramatically, with the number of crypto centi-millionaires (those with crypto holdings of USD 100 million or more) rising by 79% to 325, and even the rarefied cohort of crypto billionaires seeing a 27% increase to 28 globally.

Dominic Volek, Group Head of Private Clients at Henley & Partners, says the rapid growth has been fueled by the introduction of crypto ETFs in major financial markets, ushering in significant institutional capital. “The cryptocurrency landscape of 2024 bears little resemblance to its predecessors. Bitcoin’s rise to over USD 73,000 in March set a new all-time high, while the long-awaited approval of spot Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs in the USA unleashed a torrent of institutional capital. Anticipation now builds for potential Solana ETFs joining the Wall Street party. These milestones have seeded a new era of crypto adoption, one where digital assets increasingly cross-pollinate with traditional finance and global mobility.”

Head of Research at New World Wealth, Andrew Amoils, says the millionaire band performed best over the past year, while billionaire growth was much lower and mainly driven by Bitcoin. “Of the six new crypto billionaires created over the past year, five came from Bitcoin, underscoring its dominant position when it comes to attracting long-term investors who buy large holdings.”

Digital gold rush creates sizeable crypto elite

Commenting in the report, António Henriques, CEO of Bison Bank and Chairman of Bison Digital Assets, points out that “in the rapidly evolving world of finance, cryptocurrencies are challenging the dominance of traditional fiat currencies. As these two financial realms intersect, we are witnessing the dawn of a new era in global finance, where the innovative potential of digital assets meets the stability of traditional money.”

Jean-Marie Mognetti, CEO and Co-founder of CoinShares, points out that “the SEC’s approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs marks 2024 as a transformative year for the digital asset industry, paving the way for broader institutional adoption. Bitcoin’s potential to enhance the performance of traditional investment portfolios underscores its growing significance in the financial world.”

While Bitcoin often dominates headlines, Lark Davis, cryptocurrency investor and founder of Wealth Mastery, highlights the critical role of another major player: “Ethereum is a keystone asset of the market. The majority of what is built in crypto is built on Ethereum, based on Ethereum, or bridges liquidity back to Ethereum.” This insight illustrates the complex ecosystem that has developed around cryptocurrencies, extending far beyond simple currency alternatives.

Borderless assets drive demand for global citizenship

Henley & Partners has seen a significant uptick in crypto-wealthy clients seeking alternative residence and citizenship options in 2024. To make sense of this changing crypto landscape, the firm has unveiled its second annual Henley Crypto Adoption Index. This comprehensive tool evaluates investment migration programs through the lens of the crypto investor, considering factors such as public adoption, infrastructure, innovation and technology, regulatory environment, economic factors, and tax-friendliness.

The index showcases Singapore’s continued dominance as the premier cryptocurrency hub, achieving the top score of 45.7 out of 60. Singapore excels in areas such as technological innovation, regulatory framework, and infrastructure development. Following closely is Hong Kong (SAR China), distinguished by its strong economic fundamentals and investor-friendly tax policies. The UAE secures the 3rd position, offering significant tax advantages and a rapidly expanding digital economy. Notably, none of these three countries levies capital gains tax, which is a significant advantage, especially for crypto investors and high-net-worth individuals.

Read the Full Press Release online


Sarah Nicklin
Group Head of PR
+27 72 464 8965

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000987810

Explosive Growth of Crypto Millionaires in 2024

LONDON, Aug. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — There are now 172,300 individuals worldwide holding over USD 1 million in crypto assets — a 95% increase compared to last year — with the number of Bitcoin millionaires soaring by 111% to 85,400, according to the Crypto Wealth Report 2024 published by international wealth and investment migration specialists Henley & Partners.

The total market value of crypto assets has now reached a staggering USD 2.3 trillion, an 89% increase when compared to the USD 1.2 trillion reported in the firm’s inaugural report last year. The upper echelons of crypto wealth have also expanded dramatically, with the number of crypto centi-millionaires (those with crypto holdings of USD 100 million or more) rising by 79% to 325, and even the rarefied cohort of crypto billionaires seeing a 27% increase to 28 globally.

Dominic Volek, Group Head of Private Clients at Henley & Partners, says the rapid growth has been fueled by the introduction of crypto ETFs in major financial markets, ushering in significant institutional capital. “The cryptocurrency landscape of 2024 bears little resemblance to its predecessors. Bitcoin’s rise to over USD 73,000 in March set a new all-time high, while the long-awaited approval of spot Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs in the USA unleashed a torrent of institutional capital. Anticipation now builds for potential Solana ETFs joining the Wall Street party. These milestones have seeded a new era of crypto adoption, one where digital assets increasingly cross-pollinate with traditional finance and global mobility.”

Head of Research at New World Wealth, Andrew Amoils, says the millionaire band performed best over the past year, while billionaire growth was much lower and mainly driven by Bitcoin. “Of the six new crypto billionaires created over the past year, five came from Bitcoin, underscoring its dominant position when it comes to attracting long-term investors who buy large holdings.”

Digital gold rush creates sizeable crypto elite

Commenting in the report, António Henriques, CEO of Bison Bank and Chairman of Bison Digital Assets, points out that “in the rapidly evolving world of finance, cryptocurrencies are challenging the dominance of traditional fiat currencies. As these two financial realms intersect, we are witnessing the dawn of a new era in global finance, where the innovative potential of digital assets meets the stability of traditional money.”

Jean-Marie Mognetti, CEO and Co-founder of CoinShares, points out that “the SEC’s approval of spot Bitcoin ETFs marks 2024 as a transformative year for the digital asset industry, paving the way for broader institutional adoption. Bitcoin’s potential to enhance the performance of traditional investment portfolios underscores its growing significance in the financial world.”

While Bitcoin often dominates headlines, Lark Davis, cryptocurrency investor and founder of Wealth Mastery, highlights the critical role of another major player: “Ethereum is a keystone asset of the market. The majority of what is built in crypto is built on Ethereum, based on Ethereum, or bridges liquidity back to Ethereum.” This insight illustrates the complex ecosystem that has developed around cryptocurrencies, extending far beyond simple currency alternatives.

Borderless assets drive demand for global citizenship

Henley & Partners has seen a significant uptick in crypto-wealthy clients seeking alternative residence and citizenship options in 2024. To make sense of this changing crypto landscape, the firm has unveiled its second annual Henley Crypto Adoption Index. This comprehensive tool evaluates investment migration programs through the lens of the crypto investor, considering factors such as public adoption, infrastructure, innovation and technology, regulatory environment, economic factors, and tax-friendliness.

The index showcases Singapore’s continued dominance as the premier cryptocurrency hub, achieving the top score of 45.7 out of 60. Singapore excels in areas such as technological innovation, regulatory framework, and infrastructure development. Following closely is Hong Kong (SAR China), distinguished by its strong economic fundamentals and investor-friendly tax policies. The UAE secures the 3rd position, offering significant tax advantages and a rapidly expanding digital economy. Notably, none of these three countries levies capital gains tax, which is a significant advantage, especially for crypto investors and high-net-worth individuals.

Read the Full Press Release online


Sarah Nicklin
Group Head of PR
+27 72 464 8965

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000987810

Apparel Group continues its Strategic Expansion in the region with 100 New Stores in the First Half of 2024

The new expansion includes globally recognized brands like Hackett London, Levi’s, New Yorker, Ardene, Birkenstock, Dune London, Steve Madden, Athlete’s Co., Beverly Hills Polo Club, Skechers, Tim Hortons, Asics and Allo Beirut

Apparel Group continues its Strategic Expansion in the region with 100 New Stores in the First Half of 2024

Apparel Group continues its Strategic Expansion in the region with 100 New Stores in the First Half of 2024

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Aug. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Apparel Group, the global leader in the fashion and lifestyle retail sector, has hit another record in its successful growth journey by opening 100+ new stores across the Middle East and Asia in the first half of 2024. Representing globally recognised brands like Steve Madden, Dune London, Athlete’s Co., Beverly Hills Polo Club, Aldo, Skechers, Tim Hortons, Asics, Hackett London, Levi’s, New Yorker, Ardene, and Allo Beirut, Apparel Group has imprinted a stronger footprint in key markets including India, Bahrain, the UAE, Oman, and Saudi Arabia.

The launch of these new stores clearly highlights Apparel Group’s unwavering commitment to offering customers an exceptional and unparalleled shopping experience. Through these new locations, Apparel Group continues to showcase its dedication to innovation and customer satisfaction, ensuring that every visit is marked by a superior level of service and a wide range of high-quality products.

Neeraj Teckchandani, the CEO of Apparel Group, said, “We are immensely proud to announce the opening of over 100 new stores in the first half of 2024. This milestone reflects our relentless commitment to expanding our footprint and enhancing the shopping experience for our customers in different communities all over the world. Each new store represents not just growth, but our dedication to innovation and excellence in the retail sector. We look forward to continuing this journey of success and delivering unparalleled value to our valued customers.”

These openings highlight Apparel Group’s strategic move towards consolidating its market presence while enhancing its commitment to bringing world-class fashion to the doorsteps of customers in these markets.

About Apparel Group LLC

Apparel Group is a global fashion and lifestyle retail conglomerate residing at the crossroads of the modern economy – Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Today, Apparel Group caters to thousands of eager shoppers through its 2,200+ retail stores and 85+ brands on all platforms while employing over 22,000+ multicultural staff.

Apparel Group has not only established a strong presence in the GCC – Bahrain, Qatar, Oman, Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia & Kuwait but also strategically expanded its reach to thriving markets in India, South Africa, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Egypt. Moreover, the company has set clear strategies to venture into promising emerging markets such as Hungary and the Philippines, showcasing its forward-thinking approach.

Apparel Group has curated a diverse portfolio of brands, offering an omni-channel experience. These brands, originating from the USA, Canada, Europe, Australia, and Asia, include leading names in fashion, footwear, and lifestyles such as Tommy Hilfiger, Charles & Keith, Skechers, ALDO, Crocs, Nine West, Calvin Klein, Aéropostale, Jamie’s Italian, Tim Hortons, Cold Stone Creamery, Inglot, and Rituals. This diverse range reflects the company’s versatility and adaptability.

Apparel Group owes its impressive growth to the vision and guidance of its dynamic Founder and Chairwoman, Mrs. Sima Ganwani Ved, who has taken the company from strength to strength since its inception in the last two decades.


A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/55c3546a-a4fe-4573-b4ed-a45b8fd334ce

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9219558

Bitget Launches P2P Security Layer ‘Shield’ to Ensure Safety and Mitigate Users’ Losses

Bitget Launches P2P Security Layer ‘Shield’ to Ensure Safety and Mitigate Users’ Losses

Bitget Launches P2P Security Layer ‘Shield’ to Ensure Safety and Mitigate Users’

LossesVICTORIA, Seychelles, Aug. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bitget, the leading cryptocurrency exchange, has announced the launch of P2P security layer Shield, which increases security within its peer-to-peer (P2P) trading. This new layer is aimed at ensuring users, building trust and reliability of the platform from fraudulent activities that can occur in P2P transactions.

The Bitget P2P Shield program offers financial protection to users who are victims to fraud on peer settlements. In such cases, users are assured of compensation to mitigate losses directly related to the platform’s operations. This feature aims to build trust among users, ensuring a more confident trading experience.

The P2P Shield is an addition to Bitget’s security layer which boasts of a $300M Protection Fund and transparent Proof-of-Reserves. The introduction of Bitget P2P Shield shows the platform’s focus on creating a safer environment for P2P trading. By addressing potential risks, Bitget aims to strengthen its position as a trusted player in crypto space.

In order to prevent P2P scams, it is important for users to verify payment deposits before releasing crypto, and mark payments as completed. Additionally, traders should avoid canceling orders post-payment and refrain from sharing personal details during trades. Unverified communications should not be trusted and users need to ensure the sender’s name matches the KYC details, and only trade within the platform to stay secure.

It is vital to note that the Shield program only covers platform-related issues. Users are encouraged to remain vigilant and exercise caution, as losses due to user-related errors, such as failing to verify payments or trading with untrusted parties, are not covered.

As a major fiat-to-crypto channel, the Bitget P2P platform now supports nearly 70 fiats including EUR, NGN and BRL. To facilitate payment, it has added over 30 payment methods such as Volet.com (Formerly Advcash), Revolut, and Bank Transfer.

For more information on P2P Shield, please visit the official announcement here.

About Bitget

Established in 2018, Bitget is the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company. Serving over 30 million users in 100+ countries and regions, the Bitget exchange is committed to helping users trade smarter with its pioneering copy trading feature and other trading solutions. Formerly known as BitKeep, Bitget Wallet is a world-class multi-chain crypto wallet that offers an array of comprehensive Web3 solutions and features including wallet functionality, swap, NFT Marketplace, DApp browser, and more. Bitget inspires individuals to embrace crypto through collaborations with credible partners, including legendary Argentinian footballer Lionel Messi and Turkish National athletes Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (Wrestling world champion), Samet Gümüş (Boxing gold medalist) and İlkin Aydın (Volleyball national team).

For more information, visit: Website | Twitter | Telegram | LinkedIn | Discord | Bitget Wallet
For media inquiries, please contact: media@bitget.com

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/39377f90-199c-4357-8941-ef064ab9cdc8

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000988385

Bitget Launches P2P Security Layer ‘Shield’ to Ensure Safety and Mitigate Users’ Losses

Bitget Launches P2P Security Layer ‘Shield’ to Ensure Safety and Mitigate Users’ Losses

Bitget Launches P2P Security Layer ‘Shield’ to Ensure Safety and Mitigate Users’

LossesVICTORIA, Seychelles, Aug. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bitget, the leading cryptocurrency exchange, has announced the launch of P2P security layer Shield, which increases security within its peer-to-peer (P2P) trading. This new layer is aimed at ensuring users, building trust and reliability of the platform from fraudulent activities that can occur in P2P transactions.

The Bitget P2P Shield program offers financial protection to users who are victims to fraud on peer settlements. In such cases, users are assured of compensation to mitigate losses directly related to the platform’s operations. This feature aims to build trust among users, ensuring a more confident trading experience.

The P2P Shield is an addition to Bitget’s security layer which boasts of a $300M Protection Fund and transparent Proof-of-Reserves. The introduction of Bitget P2P Shield shows the platform’s focus on creating a safer environment for P2P trading. By addressing potential risks, Bitget aims to strengthen its position as a trusted player in crypto space.

In order to prevent P2P scams, it is important for users to verify payment deposits before releasing crypto, and mark payments as completed. Additionally, traders should avoid canceling orders post-payment and refrain from sharing personal details during trades. Unverified communications should not be trusted and users need to ensure the sender’s name matches the KYC details, and only trade within the platform to stay secure.

It is vital to note that the Shield program only covers platform-related issues. Users are encouraged to remain vigilant and exercise caution, as losses due to user-related errors, such as failing to verify payments or trading with untrusted parties, are not covered.

As a major fiat-to-crypto channel, the Bitget P2P platform now supports nearly 70 fiats including EUR, NGN and BRL. To facilitate payment, it has added over 30 payment methods such as Volet.com (Formerly Advcash), Revolut, and Bank Transfer.

For more information on P2P Shield, please visit the official announcement here.

About Bitget

Established in 2018, Bitget is the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company. Serving over 30 million users in 100+ countries and regions, the Bitget exchange is committed to helping users trade smarter with its pioneering copy trading feature and other trading solutions. Formerly known as BitKeep, Bitget Wallet is a world-class multi-chain crypto wallet that offers an array of comprehensive Web3 solutions and features including wallet functionality, swap, NFT Marketplace, DApp browser, and more. Bitget inspires individuals to embrace crypto through collaborations with credible partners, including legendary Argentinian footballer Lionel Messi and Turkish National athletes Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (Wrestling world champion), Samet Gümüş (Boxing gold medalist) and İlkin Aydın (Volleyball national team).

For more information, visit: Website | Twitter | Telegram | LinkedIn | Discord | Bitget Wallet
For media inquiries, please contact: media@bitget.com

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/39377f90-199c-4357-8941-ef064ab9cdc8

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000988385

Bitget Launches P2P Security Layer ‘Shield’ to Ensure Safety and Mitigate Users’ Losses

Bitget Launches P2P Security Layer ‘Shield’ to Ensure Safety and Mitigate Users’ Losses

Bitget Launches P2P Security Layer ‘Shield’ to Ensure Safety and Mitigate Users’

LossesVICTORIA, Seychelles, Aug. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Bitget, the leading cryptocurrency exchange, has announced the launch of P2P security layer Shield, which increases security within its peer-to-peer (P2P) trading. This new layer is aimed at ensuring users, building trust and reliability of the platform from fraudulent activities that can occur in P2P transactions.

The Bitget P2P Shield program offers financial protection to users who are victims to fraud on peer settlements. In such cases, users are assured of compensation to mitigate losses directly related to the platform’s operations. This feature aims to build trust among users, ensuring a more confident trading experience.

The P2P Shield is an addition to Bitget’s security layer which boasts of a $300M Protection Fund and transparent Proof-of-Reserves. The introduction of Bitget P2P Shield shows the platform’s focus on creating a safer environment for P2P trading. By addressing potential risks, Bitget aims to strengthen its position as a trusted player in crypto space.

In order to prevent P2P scams, it is important for users to verify payment deposits before releasing crypto, and mark payments as completed. Additionally, traders should avoid canceling orders post-payment and refrain from sharing personal details during trades. Unverified communications should not be trusted and users need to ensure the sender’s name matches the KYC details, and only trade within the platform to stay secure.

It is vital to note that the Shield program only covers platform-related issues. Users are encouraged to remain vigilant and exercise caution, as losses due to user-related errors, such as failing to verify payments or trading with untrusted parties, are not covered.

As a major fiat-to-crypto channel, the Bitget P2P platform now supports nearly 70 fiats including EUR, NGN and BRL. To facilitate payment, it has added over 30 payment methods such as Volet.com (Formerly Advcash), Revolut, and Bank Transfer.

For more information on P2P Shield, please visit the official announcement here.

About Bitget

Established in 2018, Bitget is the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company. Serving over 30 million users in 100+ countries and regions, the Bitget exchange is committed to helping users trade smarter with its pioneering copy trading feature and other trading solutions. Formerly known as BitKeep, Bitget Wallet is a world-class multi-chain crypto wallet that offers an array of comprehensive Web3 solutions and features including wallet functionality, swap, NFT Marketplace, DApp browser, and more. Bitget inspires individuals to embrace crypto through collaborations with credible partners, including legendary Argentinian footballer Lionel Messi and Turkish National athletes Buse Tosun Çavuşoğlu (Wrestling world champion), Samet Gümüş (Boxing gold medalist) and İlkin Aydın (Volleyball national team).

For more information, visit: Website | Twitter | Telegram | LinkedIn | Discord | Bitget Wallet
For media inquiries, please contact: media@bitget.com

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/39377f90-199c-4357-8941-ef064ab9cdc8

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000988385

Lebanese newspapers’ headlines August 27, 2024


Salameh’s Arrest: Could It Shield Lebanon from the ‘Gray List’?


Presidential File: Coordination in Saudi Arabia, Anticipation in Lebanon… But No Clear Signals


Le Drian in Saudi Arabia: Key to Solution Lies Neither in Riyadh Nor in Paris.

Source: National news agency – Lebanon