Mawlawi strongly condemns Israel’s targeting of a Civil Defense team in Froun, pays tribute to fallen martyrs

Caretaker Interior and Municipalities Minister, Judge Bassam Mawlawi, strongly condemned in a statement this evening, “what the Lebanese Civil Defense team was subjected to by a criminal Israeli enemy drone in the town of Froun, while its members were carrying out a firefighting operation that broke out in the town as a result of the enemy raids, which led to the martyrdom of three firefighters and the injury of another personnel who was transferred to hospital for treatment.”

Mawlawi stressed that “these crimes, which are rejected by international law and the human conscience, are condemned and denounced in the strongest terms,” adding that ‘the heroic martyrs of duty have watered the southern land with their blood.”

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon

Letter to Security Council President, UN Secretary-General in response to similar Israeli letter on implementation of Resolution 1701

Following the instructions of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants Minister Abdallah Bou Habib and in consultation with Prime Minister Najib Mikati, Lebanon’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York addressed a letter to the President of the Security Council and the Secretary-General of the United Nations in response to the similar Israeli letter on the implementation of Security Council Resolution 1701 (2006) submitted by the Israeli representative on September 1, 2024.

In this context, Minister Bou Habib indicated that “the gateway to a permanent solution is through the comprehensive and complete implementation of Security Council Resolution 1701 with all its provisions, and not selectively as the other party is trying to do.”

The letter added that “the comprehensive implementation of Resolution 1701 entails Israel’s withdrawal from all occupied Lebanese territories, ceasing its attacks on Lebanon’s sovereignty and targeting of Lebanese civilians and civilian targets, and its involvement in the proce
ss of revealing the internationally recognized southern Lebanese land borders, confirmed in the 1949 Armistice Agreement, under the supervision and auspices of the United Nations.’

It added that ‘Lebanon also calls on the member states of the Security Council and the international community to pressure Israel to implement Resolution 1701 in all its provisions, and renews its full commitment to international laws and international legitimacy, emphasizing the essential and effective role of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, according to its commissioned mandate, with the aim of helping the Lebanese state extend its authority over all its territories by strengthening the Lebanese Armed Forces.”

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon

Bassil: FPM supports defending Lebanon against Israel

Head of the “Free Patriotic Movement”, MP Gebran Bassil, confirmed that the “movement” supports defending Lebanon against Israel, but does not support linking it to wars in which it has no interest.

MP Bassil said: “The FPM is in favor of partnership, balance, and not isolating any component, but it does not accept that political and economic options be imposed on it that it is not convinced of.”

Regarding the arrest of former Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh, the MP indicated that the movement is the only one that dared to confront this file because they are uncorrupted, explaining that “an attempt was made to lure the party with subsidized loans, but the attempts failed.”

He pointed out that “Salameh bought judges, security personnel, politicians, and media professionals to praise him in the media.”

Bassil considered that the judicial development that took place has its symbolism, as the arrest of Salameh, who is supported by the regime and who faces all the Lebanese even for two days, is a victory fo
r the Lebanese through a judge who dared to raise justice above the interests of the regime.

He said: “No judge, regardless of his sect or political affiliation, can release Riad Salameh because the curse of the Lebanese people and God’s curse will haunt him, and the movement will always be on the lookout and will not remain silent, neither in the judiciary nor in the street, and no one will prevent it from resorting to foreign courts if the Lebanese judiciary fails to do so.”

Regarding the arrest of former Central Bank Governor Riad Salameh, the MP pointed out that the movement is the only one that dared to confront this file because it is not corrupt, explaining that “an attempt was made to lure the movement with subsidized loans, but the attempts failed.”

FInally, he renewed the call for dialogue, considering that “whoever rejects it bears responsibility,” stressing that “the Free Patriotic Movement, with its status and size, refuses to bear responsibility for losing the presidency of the republic and a
ccepting a vacuum in it for an open period, and therefore the obstructionists bear responsibility for any loss of the presidency of the republic.”

Source: National News Agency – Lebanon

Erdogan: Standing against Israeli terrorism is an Islamic duty and a national issue

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan considered that “standing against the state terrorism of Israel is an Islamic and religious duty for us, as well as a national issue,” condemning the killing of Turkish-American activist /Aisha Noor/ by the occupation army. Erdogan said in a speech he delivered today, Saturday, in the province of Kocaeli, northwest of Turkey: “Israel killed our young daughter /Aisha Nour/ yesterday, in addition to killing 40 thousand innocent civilians until today.

The Turkish president stressed that the new phase launched by his country in its relations with Egypt will be in favor of Gaza and the Palestinian cause.

He also stressed that Ankara will continue “with determination to take all necessary steps to expand Turkey’s scope of movement in foreign policy.”

Yesterday, Friday, the occupation army killed activist Aisha Noor, while she was participating in an activity denouncing the settlement in the town of Beita in the Nablus Governorate.

The director of Rafidia Hospital, Fuad Naf
aa, indicated that Aisha Noor arrived at the hospital with a bullet in the head and underwent resuscitation, but she died as a result of the severity of the injury.

Several countries around the world condemned the occupation army’s deliberate killing of activist Aisha Noor. The Turkish Foreign Ministry said in a statement that Israel “is working to silence and terrorizing everyone who rushes to the aid of the Palestinians and fights against the genocide being carried out against them.’

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Al-Sudani: The energy file represents the basis for any development plan

Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani stressed: “The energy file represents the basis for any development plan.”

Al-Sudani said during the launch of the executive works of three electricity projects in Baghdad, Diyala and Anbar: “The combined cycles will provide electrical energy without the need for additional fuel, by relying on gases generated from the production of electricity in simple cycles and will reduce gas imports.”

According to a statement by his media office, he appreciated the efforts made to prepare for the launch of these important projects, directing at the same time to adhere to the timetables and adopt modern specifications, stressing: “The combined cycles will provide electrical energy without the need for additional fuel, by relying on gases generated from the production of electricity in simple cycles, and will reduce gas imports, and will provide flexibility in meeting the needs of the areas most in need and demand for electrical energy, within a production target of up to 4,000 MW,
in the path of combined cycles.

The Prime Minister pointed out: “The energy file represents the basis for any development plan, and the government has allocated financial allocations to develop all sectors of production, transportation and distribution, and has made important strides in the field of exploiting associated gas, through contracts with Total or the fifth round and its annex, and the sixth round, in addition to the national effort, to reach self-sufficiency.”

Al-Sudani explained: “The trend towards adopting an economic model that achieves justice between the state and the investor, and regulates the consumption process,” stressing the arrival of final understandings regarding the economic model Which will be announced to the private sector and local and foreign companies, to implement (the 10,000 megawatt production project) of electricity, as the ministry presented its final vision regarding transmission and distribution projects.

He pointed to the trend towards renewable energy projects, and
environmentally friendly, as a specialized team is working to convert government headquarters to rely on solar energy, and solid international companies have submitted offers to implement solar energy projects at the governorate level, and within an economic model that will be adopted.

Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani launched today the executive work on three different projects for additional composite units to produce electricity, during a visit he made to the South Baghdad Gas Power Plant, as the executive work began on the project to add a composite unit to the station with a design capacity of up to 125 MW.

Al-Sudani also launched, via a television circuit, the executive work on the project to add two composite units to the Mansouriya Gas Power Plant in Diyala Governorate, with a design capacity of 362 MW, as well as the project to add a composite unit to the Akkaz Gas Power Plant in Anbar Governorate with a capacity of 125 MW.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Al-Hakim meets the British Ambassador and calls for benefiting from the experiences of countries in financial and economic reform of the country

The head of the National Wisdom Movement, Ammar al-Hakim, praised the government’s service and development performance today, Saturday, calling for benefiting from the experiences of countries in the financial and economic reform of the country.

Al-Hakim said in a statement: “We met this morning with the British Ambassador to Iraq, Stephen Hitchen, and discussed the developments of bilateral relations between the two countries and ways to enhance them in a way that serves the interests of all and preserves the country’s sovereignty.”

He praised the “government’s service and development performance,” stressing at the same time the need to support the government in this path for its role in strengthening the citizens’ connection to the political system,” stressing the “necessity of preserving political stability in Iraq and transforming it into permanent stability.”

He called for “benefiting from the experiences of countries in the financial and economic reform of the country and adapting the experiences to
the Iraqi reality, indicating the importance of the British experience in this field.”

He pointed out that “the Iraqi constitution represents a guarantee of freedom of expression and belief, which requires respecting and preserving it as the main reference in democratic systems.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency

Al-Hakim meets the British Ambassador and calls for benefiting from the experiences of countries in financial and economic reform of the country

The head of the National Wisdom Movement, Ammar al-Hakim, praised the government’s service and development performance today, Saturday, calling for benefiting from the experiences of countries in the financial and economic reform of the country.

Al-Hakim said in a statement: “We met this morning with the British Ambassador to Iraq, Stephen Hitchen, and discussed the developments of bilateral relations between the two countries and ways to enhance them in a way that serves the interests of all and preserves the country’s sovereignty.”

He praised the “government’s service and development performance,” stressing at the same time the need to support the government in this path for its role in strengthening the citizens’ connection to the political system,” stressing the “necessity of preserving political stability in Iraq and transforming it into permanent stability.”

He called for “benefiting from the experiences of countries in the financial and economic reform of the country and adapting the experiences to
the Iraqi reality, indicating the importance of the British experience in this field.”

He pointed out that “the Iraqi constitution represents a guarantee of freedom of expression and belief, which requires respecting and preserving it as the main reference in democratic systems.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency