Iran banks hail $270m compensation win over Bahrain

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Two leading Iranian banks have welcomed a decision by a Hague-based tribunal to order Bahrain to pay them more than $270 million in compensation for its 2015 closure of a bank they had supported. The November 9 ruling from the Permanent Court of Arbitration found that reporting failures that Bahrain alleged showed Future Bank was a front for sanctions-busting were insufficient grounds for effectively expropriating the Iranian banks’ money. It found that Bahrain’s motives had been primarily political, reflecting Gulf Arab anger at the nuclear agreement world powers had struck with Iran a few we… Continue reading “Iran banks hail $270m compensation win over Bahrain”

New UAE criminal code among 40 legal changes in reform push

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The United Arab Emirates on Saturday said a new criminal code would come into force in January as part of what it called the most sweeping legal reform in the Gulf state’s history. State news agency WAM reported the government is changing 40 laws this year. It did not make clear, however, which of the changes – which concern commercial companies, online security, trade, copyright, residency, narcotics and social issues – were new and which had been previously reported. One change that appears new is the ratification of a Federal Crime and Punishment Law, effective from Jan. 2, 2022, designed t… Continue reading “New UAE criminal code among 40 legal changes in reform push”

Abolishing Syria’s Mufti post, Assad usurps all power

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Last week Syrian tyrant Bashar al-Assad issued a decree not simply forcing Syria’s Grand Mufti Ahmed Badr al-Din Hassoun into retirement after 17 years, but also entirely abolishing the half-a-century old position of the grand mufti of the so-called Syrian Arab Republic. Though the decision has led to much speculation regarding the reasons for and implications of Assad taking such drastic action, the ostensible motive for axing Hassoun seems to have been due tocomments he made during the funeral of the famous Syrian singer Sabah Fakhri. Hassoun, known for exploiting such occasions to deliver I… Continue reading “Abolishing Syria’s Mufti post, Assad usurps all power”

Tanzania ‘can benefit from meat exports’

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The Citizen

Tanzania is among top African countries with the highest number of livestock, being second only to Ethiopia. But, the country is yet to fully utilise the potential it has in meat exports. Statistics from the Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries Census Report 2020 show that the country had 33.9 million cattle in 2020/21, up from 33.4 million in 2019/20. The report shows that the country had 24 million goats in 2020, higher than 21.29 million in 2019, while the population of sheep reached 8.5 million last year as compared to 5.65 million in 2019. Furthermore, it was indicated in the report that … Continue reading “Tanzania ‘can benefit from meat exports’”

Rehabilitating Assad: The struggle for influence in Syria

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Not too many years ago, Iran was struggling to support the Syrian regime when its survival was on the line amid a gruesome civil war. Fighting Bashar al-Assad’s authoritarian government were a host of armed militias which had received massive amounts of money from several Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member-states. Today, however, Tehran is observing most Gulf monarchies coming to terms with the Assad regime’s survival. Within the GCC, Abu Dhabi is the main driver behind efforts to rehabilitate Syria’s government, recently highlighted by the United Arab Emirates (UAE)’s Foreign Minister Shei… Continue reading “Rehabilitating Assad: The struggle for influence in Syria”

US journalist jailed in Myanmar ‘cared a lot about truth’: colleague

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Bangkok (AFP) – An American journalist jailed for 11 years by Myanmar’s junta is humble, positive and inspired by George Orwell’s writings against authoritarianism, his colleague told AFP, as he faces a second trial for sedition and terrorism. Myanmar has been in turmoil since the military ousted Aung San Suu Kyi’s government in February and launched a bloody crackdown that has killed more than 1,200 people, according to a local monitoring group, and also ensnared the media. The junta’s war on dissent has seen Myanmar overtake Saudi Arabia and North Korea in jailing journalists — since Februa… Continue reading “US journalist jailed in Myanmar ‘cared a lot about truth’: colleague”