Arab Opinion Authority: Kirkuk government must be consensual and we are committed to the position of governor

Secretary-General of the Arab Opinion Authority in Kirkuk, Nazim Al-Shammari, said that they demanded the formation of a local government in agreement between all parties and not marginalizing any party.

Al-Shammari explained in a statement that Kirkuk “has a special status, and the formation of the local government has an impact on stability and the position of governor is an Arab entitlement.”

He expressed his regret over the attempt of some parties in Kirkuk /not named/ “to impose themselves in forming the local government and ignore the other parties.”

He pointed out that “there are several reasons that stand in the way of forming the government in Kirkuk and the goals of its citizens, the first of which is the political conflict over the position of governor.” Stressing that some political parties “do not want to follow a policy of consensus and balance between the components, as they want some to participate and ignore others and exclude them from participating in the local government

Source: Natio
nal Iraqi News Agency