The Patriotic Union: Our policy in Kirkuk is an extension of Talabani’s policy

The Political Bureau of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan confirmed that the party’s policy in Kirkuk is an extension of the policy of the late Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, reassuring the Turkmen that they will provide positions worthy of the component in the administration of the new governorate.

He said in a statement that “the Political Bureau of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan held a meeting in Sulaymaniyah headed by the party’s president, Pavel Jalal Talabani,” indicating that “the meeting was held on the occasion of choosing a Kurdish governor for Kirkuk according to the electoral entitlement,” stressing “commitment to the policy and approach of President Jalal Talabani for peaceful coexistence among all the indigenous components in that city.”

The Political Bureau of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan met this afternoon under the supervision of the President of the Patriotic Union, Pavel Jalal Talabani, in Dabashan, stressing “commitment to the policy and approach of President Jalal Talabani to achi
eve peaceful coexistence among all the indigenous components of the city.” President Pavel Jalal Talabani stressed during the meeting “that this success is not only a success for the Patriotic Union, but rather an achievement for the people of Kirkuk with all its components, as the policy of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan is to continue the policy of President Mam Jalal, who was always keen on the rights of all the indigenous components of Kirkuk, including Kurds, Arabs, Turkmen and Christians.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency