Water Regulator Obtains ISO 9001 Certification

Riyadh– The water regulator has obtained the ISO 9001 certification, after fulfilling all the necessary requirements, in collaboration with the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO), with the aim of applying the highest global standards with quality management.

The Deputy Minister for Regulatory Affairs at the Ministry of Environment, Water, and Agriculture and General Supervisor of the Executive Authority of the Water Regulator, Dr. Fahad bin Saad Abu-Mouti, stated that by obtaining the ISO 9001, the water regulator uses the best international practices and standards to improve the efficiency of work and quality of services. He noted that the quality management system for this certificate is based on confirming the effective fulfillment of beneficiaries’ needs, monitoring the level of quality, managing operations, and continuously developing business procedures.

The water regulator obtained this certification after qualification by the Technical Consultancy Center of the Saudi Standards, Metrology, and Quality Organization (SASO), and by undergoing external auditing by one of the accredited organizations that issue international conformity assessment certificates for the ISO quality management system, to ensure that all departments and divisions of the water regulator comply with the procedures followed in the quality management system.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

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